Home>Support>Using Contact Form widget and reCaptcha v2 gives email error

Using Contact Form widget and reCaptcha v2 gives email error

I’m using Version 1.17.3 of SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle – specifically the Contact Form widget. The site is running WordPress 5.4.4 and WooCommerce Version 4.3.1 running the Storefront theme v. 2.5.8.

I’ve registered this my store domain with reCaptcha v2 and have the keys for it. So I’ve entered those keys in the widget’s Spam Protection section under the reCaptcha v2 option. I have Akismet filtering turned off.

Now when I go to my form, the reCaptcha checkbox displays correctly and can be checked, which then activates the submit button. But sometimes when I click the button the form processes and I get the Success message, and sometimes it fails with an error message that reads: ‘Error sending email, please try again later.’

Any thoughts as to what would cause this behavior? This site is published and not in any ‘test’ mode.

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  1. 3 years, 8 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here


    Thanks for reaching out.

    This sounds like it could be a plugin conflict issue. Can you try disabling all non-SiteOrigin plugins and see if this fixes the issue? You’ll need to clear all your caches after disabling your plugins.

    If it does fix the issue, then try re-enabling your plugins one by one until the issue comes back. This procedure will help diagnose which plugin is causing the issue.

    Once we know that, we’ll be able to look at what might be causing the conflict and either solve the problem or help you find an alternative plugin.

    If you aren’t using a SiteOrigin theme, then you can also try temporarily switching to one of the default WordPress themes to see if the issue is theme related.

  2. 3 years, 8 months ago promoteyou

    Thanks for the reply! So, the problem here is that we run our sites in a Multisite installation. So many of the plugins used are Network Active and to deactivate them would break functionality in other published sites.

    I was able to deactivate some plugins though. After doing so, I used WP Rocket to clear the server cache and cleared the cache and cookies in my browsers: Edge and Chrome (the most recent version of both). However after doing so, and checking the contact form again, I still got the email error every time. I did try using different email addresses (on different domains) and I checked them to make sure I indeed did NOT get the emails, which I did not.

    Here are the plugins I deactivated:
    Advanced Custom Fields Version 5.8.12 | By Elliot Condon
    Advanced noCaptcha & invisible Captcha Version 6.1.5 | By Shamim Hasan
    Simple Image Sizes Version 3.2.1 | By Rahe
    Woocommerce Advanced Bulk Edit Version 4.0.1 | By George Iron
    WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor Version 1.5.18 | By WooCommerce
    WooCommerce Smart Coupons Version 4.1.2 | By StoreApps
    WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos Version 3.0.11 | By Lucas Stark
    WP All Export Pro Version 1.5.7 | By Soflyy

    Here are the Network Active plugins:
    Classic Editor Version 1.6 | By WordPress Contributors
    Enable Media Replace Version 3.4.1 | By ShortPixel
    Homepage Control Version 2.0.3 | By WooThemes
    Imagify Version 1.9.10 | By WP Media
    NS Cloner – Site Copier Version 4.0.9 | By Never Settle
    Page Builder by SiteOrigin Version 2.11.1 | By SiteOrigin
    Really Simple SSL Version 3.3.4 | By Really Simple Plugins
    SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle Version 1.17.3 | By SiteOrigin
    Storefront Hamburger Menu Version 1.2.2 | By WooCommerce
    Uber Login Logo Version 1.5.1 | By UberWeb
    User Role Editor Version 4.55.1 | By Vladimir Garagulya
    WC Password Strength Settings Version 2.1.0 | By Daniel Santoro
    WooCommerce Version 4.3.1 | By Automattic
    WooCommerce – Coupon Column Version 0.3 | By Pross
    WooCommerce – ShipStation Integration Version 4.1.37 | By WooCommerce
    WooCommerce Authorize.Net AIM Gateway Version 3.14.5 | By SkyVerge
    WooCommerce Basic Ordernumbers Version 1.4.4 | By Open Tools
    WooCommerce Bulk Variations Version 1.0.4 | By fancyproductdesigner.com
    WooCommerce Multistore Version 2.0.10 | By Lykke Media AS
    WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips Version 2.5.3 | By Ewout Fernhout
    WooCommerce Product Add-ons Version 3.0.11 | By WooCommerce
    WP Rocket Version 3.3.7 | By WP Media

    I you see a Network plugin that is a know conflict please let me know. Otherwise I fear we’ll have to find another solution as deactivating/replacing many of these would break our stores.
    Thanks! -Matt

  3. 3 years, 8 months ago SiteOrigin
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Matt

    Thanks for your detailed feedback. Unfortunately, none of the plugins above are currently known to be conflicting.

    A complete plugin conflict test would still be the best way to go, perhaps we can come back to that and work out a way forward.

    For now, do you perhaps want to look at the email side of things? How are emails currently being sent? With PHP mail? Do you perhaps want to give something like https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/. There are quite a few options available, you could send with Gmail or your hosting provider’s SMTP service if they provide email services. In general, this isn’t a wasted step and usually helps email deliverability.

  4. 3 years, 8 months ago promoteyou

    There may be another domain we use that is more stand-alone that I could try testing this on further. But it uses a different child-theme of our main Storefront theme than our other domain that I’m trying to secure your form on. So I’m not sure how well testing on it would translate to our main domain we’re having these issues on.

    I’m going to try setting up the email plugin you’ve referenced and see if that makes a difference and report back. I currently do not know how email for our WP installation was originally set up and the developer who did it is currently unavailable.
    Thanks again for the responses – I’ll be in touch as soon as I can.

  5. 3 years, 8 months ago SiteOrigin
    Hi, I Work Here

    If you could replicate the issue on a single site WP install, that would be great.

    Let us know how the testing and or email delivery enhancement goes.


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