Home>Support>Underdog font doesnt work on https

Underdog font doesnt work on https

Hi, i’m having a little problem with the Vantage theme. I have selected the Underdog font for my site, which was working as expected when my site was on a temporary (http) url. But now i set it to https as my production site and i get mixed content error on this url:http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Underdog:400
On http my site still works fine, but on https i get the mixed content error, and a standard font. Can you help me with this problem?

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  1. 5 years, 8 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Alex,

    Are you using the latest version of Vantage 1.8.2? If not, can you please clarify which version of Vantage you’re using?
    Also, do you have a public URL where we can take a look at what’s going on?

  2. 5 years, 8 months ago alexander0

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you for your quick response. I am using WordPress 5.0.2 and was using Vantage 1.8.2 untill just now. I have updated to 1.8.3, but i have still got the same problem. My url is http://deveermanvankampen.nl and https://deveermanvankampen.nl
    In wordpress i have the http url configured so visitors dont get errors.

  3. 5 years, 8 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Alexander,

    I’ve run a few tests and I can’t seem to find where you’ve used Underdog or where it’s being added. Can you please clarify where you using this font and/or what you’re seeing that suggests this is coming from Vantage?

  4. 5 years, 8 months ago alexander0

    I have configured it in Customizing ▸ Theme Design ▸ Fonts. It is set as Body, Site title, Heading and Menu font. So, pretty much everything should be in Underdog, and when connecting to the site using http it is. But when i connect using https the site is loaded using a default font. Analysing the requests in Chrome, i see there is one request blocked because it is in http: http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Underdog:400

    Since i have configured the font in the Vantage theme settings, i came here for help.:-)

  5. 5 years, 8 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Alexander,

    Thank you for clarifying. Do you receive this error message when you disable Autoptimize (https://deveermanvankampen.nl/?ao_noptimize=1)? I ask as I suspect they’re adding the protocol to the @import. We use a protocol independent URL (//) so this issue shouldn’t occur.

  6. 5 years, 8 months ago alexander0

    Hi Alex,

    It was indeed autoptimize which caused my problem.
    I set my wordpress url to https and deleted the autoptimize cache. Now it works fine.
    Thank you so much for your help.

  7. 5 years, 8 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Alexander,

    Great to hear it’s working without issue now! :)
    Please be sure to post another thread if you have any other questions.

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