Home>Support>Support Query Re Vantage Theme

Support Query Re Vantage Theme

Re My site FKAncestry.com
I use Vantage Premium –
I have the site well on its way now. And it looks well with many thanks to your support team and especially the assistance from Andrew. Excellent.

I sent Andrew some e mails with queries. Just like to clarify id my Vantage Premium support has expired .. Recently I have heard nothing back in the last month. Please advise how I should pursue support queries from now on. Thanks Seamus

URL: http://fkancestry.com

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  1. 9 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Seamus

    Really sorry to hear this story. I got your one mail that asked if I was still there. I replied and let you know I’d answer any emails outstanding. For some reason I don’t have any open mails from you. I cleared email down to zero last night for example. So to confirm, we don’t have a time limit on our support offering. We’ve just run into an email issue.

    Hit me. What can we help with? Let’s try the forum out. If you need to post any sensitive info to this thread then email the thread on [email protected]. It will post a message that only you and I can see. Otherwise, just go-ahead and comment as usual.

  2. 9 years, 7 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Thanks a mill Andrew, its obviously a Mail App issue my side . I know now why other mails are not coming through.

    I will check into that.

    Thanks a mill for reverting Andrew.

    I'll crack on the Forum first thing in the morning. Great stuff.

  3. 9 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for your understanding and apologies again for the hassle. Just reply here in this thread tomorrow. I’ll get a notification when you do and help out as soon as I can.

    Chat then.

  4. 9 years, 7 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Backup and Database …..Re my Website FKAncestry.com which I have hosted on backlight and run by WordPress – can I please ask advise on a backup and database backup. I have enough pages and data up there 0.5G to worry about not having to replace it and I have the site pretty well on the way so I don’t want to loose that .
    What are my best options Andrew please….

  5. 9 years, 7 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Also Andrew please … on the website pages I have thumbnail pictures as links to larger pictures when U click on them they open the picture. What is the optimal size I should have the picture media file ( I try 1750 by 750 pxls ) at to ensure that it just covers the FULL SCREEN when open. Is there a better way to fit the screen when the image is opened to ensure I get a full screen … in other words is there a way to get a full screen picture regardless of TEH image size… again I would link a smaller version to open the larger picture. Thanks Andrew .. hope I make enough sense …

  6. 9 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    With regards to backing up. It’s perhaps worth checking out the Duplicator plugin:


    The reason I suggest this plugin is that it works well with Page Builder data.

    I think we briefly chatted images in the past, for example the small images on this page: http://fkancestry.com/family-costello/
    I mentioned that Jetpack Carousel is a good option for a lightbox that’s responsive. Jetpack Carousel only works with galleries but you can insert a single image gallery.


    It’s hard to say what a good full size image is as screen dimensions vary so much. There are also other lightbox plugins that you could consider that would work for just single images and not only galleries.

    Here is another option: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-colorbox/

    When you insert the image you can select the size in the media popup window, that’s the size of the image as it appears on the page, for example Small/Medium or Large. The lightbox you use will then link to the full size image automatically. The sizes you’re using for the full size seem fine to me.

  7. 9 years, 7 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Thanks Andrew. I see that I need to upgrade a few plugins and WP to4.1.1 so i’ll catch up on the upgrade after I do the backup. I have 1Terra storage on a computer and want to schedule a weekly back up to a file on that PC, so ill research your link and see what I need to do. I assume its pretty clean without having to go to the PHP file. I’ll set a location and down load to that and schedule a weekly drop. The duplicator seems to be useful for transferring to another site domain/host but I will ignore the install I guess. I’ll wade through the instructions again in any case. Thanks Andrew.

  8. 9 years, 7 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Just a comment Andrew please – I’m not a ‘techie’ – I notice some people have lost their total website ( nervous!!) with a vantage or WP upgrade and not having a backup in place beforehand, . I also see that you prescribe child themes for subsequent CSS code added to sites. You have indeed prescribed some css code for me previously. What do I need to do to preserve that. Will I loose that if I upgrade / also will I back up everything … plugins etc .. seems a good idea for a basic techie as me. Are there any other items I should watch for, no rush Andrew – I intend to be well equipped before I press the upgrade button ,..

  9. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Also Andrew please … I did a trial backup package, the installer and archive file is downloading to ‘my ‘downloads’ folder. The archive is 409mb and the compressed download archive file is 413,169 KB. I will do the back up weekly.

    Is there a file copy on WP for the back up package files also ? Is it possible to copy those ?
    Where is The Archive folder located at on WP ? reading threads I c reference to ”wp-snapshots’ folder at WP-Admin – but I can’t see that anywhere – where is that snapshots folder please ? I guess I need to manage the size of that and delete the older files.

    How should I test that the download is correct?

  10. 9 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Seamus

    There are some challenges with moving WordPress sites that are running Page Builder. Duplicator and the regular Tools > Export method of backing up content both work well with Page Builder.

    Another option besides Duplicator is Updraft Plus. Perhaps take a look at this chat I had with Hans. He did some testing for us:

    Thread: PageBuilder Site Backup Question

    Plugin he’s referring to: https://wordpress.org/plugins/updraftplus/

    Custom CSS:
    All the Custom CSS you and I worked on is saved under Appearance > Custom CSS. That get’s saved with other theme options in your database and is 100% safe for upgrade or moving. There are no other moving concerns I can think of.

    File Structure:
    In the root of your WordPress installation, on the server, you’ll see a “wp-content” folder. In that folder are a “themes” and “plugins” folder. That’s the location of your plugins and themes.

    Testing a Backup:
    You’d need to have another installation of WordPress up and running to test a backup.

  11. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Thanks allot Andrew.

    ”In the root of your WordPress installation, on the server, you’ll see a “wp-content” folder.”
    Where is that actually ? Is this on the Host site Backlight or my PC drive or on the WP.Org page ?

    I guess it is not certain that I will loose any data or content If I upgrade WP to 4.1.1 … the backup is just a contingency just in case something happens during the upgrade ….


  12. 9 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    For sure.

    Doing a quick backup from Tools > Export will give you a XML backup of your site. It won’t backup plugins or settings but it will backup all your content. That’s a quick backup option.

    “wp-content” – that’s a folder on your server.

    Perhaps check out: https://wordpress.org/plugins/updraftplus/, that might be easier than using Duplicator.

  13. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Apologies- slow …
    Trying to locate and explore “wp-content” –” that’s a folder on your server”. I searched my PC and no such file. Is this SERVER the Backlight host server ? ? Thanks

    Is TEH backup just a contingency for WP upgrade …. I guess it is not certain that I will loose any data or content If I upgrade WP to 4.1.1 … the backup is just a contingency just in case something happens during the upgrade ….

    Thanks Andrew , Seamus

  14. 9 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    No problem. That’s right, “server” refers to your website’s server, basically the computer that stores your site’s files….your web host.

    Sure. Backing up before an upgrade of WordPress is good practice.

  15. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Hi Andrew, Hope all’s well. I have been reading up and making some Progress .

    I explored the Duplicator Plugin and the back up files look like they are set up locate in the wp-snapshots folder on host server in TEH snapshots folder as per below ( can I change that to store back up my local pc server?)

    Duplicator details below ….
    Duplicator Server & files
    Version: 0.5.12 | User: mooseman1 | Hash: 20150222_fkancestrycom_54ea411f3bf465077150222205039





    The host file size has doubled so definitely back up files are created.
    So I take it that the back up files are in that wp-snapshots folder. I would like a separate independent backup file copy locally on my own hard drive – or disc. I could export the installer and archive files , would that suffice for independent local back up?

    Can I kindly check what I need to do from here on the duplicator please Andrew ? should I delete those old wp-snapshot files before I back up with the Duplicator anew again or will a new back up over write the old files …. I see files named….
    Log, archive, database, installer and the report scan_json. Are those files all I need.

    Have I fully back up there then Andrew ? there are additional files in the wp-content folder for plugins, themes, upgrades, uploads – do I need to back up those files ?
    So if I upgrade to WP 4.1.1 am I secure with having the backup wp-snapshots files to restore my site?

    Appreciate your guidance on the above and your patience Andrew – getting there at snails pave perhaps. But all good.

  16. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Hi Andrew- as a slight aside – I notice in the themes folder on the host server at webpage …..80350….wp-content/themes – that there are different themes listed – twenty15, twenty14, twenty13, twenty12 and then Vantage. I thought I just have the vantage theme . my WP-Admin indicated some upgrades/updates required for those twenty’s themes as well – I thought as I use vantage that those are nothing to do with my site? Can you give guidance please on what I should do there and if the twenty’s themes are relevant to fkancestry.com. thanks again Andrew,

  17. 9 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Seamus

    You shouldn’t need to delete those backup files before making another. Those file names all look unique so you can leave them on your server if you’re not short on space.

    Ideally, make a copy of the backup files onto your computer or Dropbox etc. for safe keeping.

    Between Archive and Database you’ve backed up all your files. You don’t need to back anything further up.

    If you’d like, you can make a quick backup from Tools > Export > WordPress Export. That’s a content only XML backup. Usually quite quick. Not bad to have as an alternative solution.

    It’s worth keeping one extra theme installed in WordPress, just in case you need to test at some point. So I’d advise leaving Twenty Fifteen or Twenty Fourteen activated and deleting the rest.

  18. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Thanks Andrew,
    I guess the question is do new duplicator package back up files OVER WRITE the old then I guess there is no need to delete the FTP snapshots files.? is that the case ? otherwise one creates large unnecessary of backup files.

    I’ll follow the guidance above and let you know how it goes. …
    Thanks Andrew. U da man

  19. 9 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    I don’t believe they would. Those file names all look unique to me. Run a test though and try it out.

    For sure, let me know how it turns out.

  20. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Update ..
    I made a quick backup from Tools > Export > WordPress Export. The ontent only XML backup is complete.

    I activated the Duplicator. Exported Installer and Archive (418,210K so looks apt) – I will check tomorrow if the file over writes the old back-up on host server snapshots folder – it seems to be a batch job from last experience and updates o/n. so I will see tomorrow if we have 1G of back up data or just 418 from today. I will possibly need guidance on what files to delete if we have multi sets of back up files on my host server.

    I will update plugins first – then themes and then WP to 4.1.1 and fingers xd I will still have a website.
    Thanks Andrew …

  21. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Plugins and themes complete – no issue , 74 pages still and looks ok. Now the WP upgrade…

  22. 9 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Super, thanks for the update.

  23. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    WP 4.1.1 upgrade et all updates complete now with ‘updated translations’ – looks fine – so well worth the prep.
    74 pages look intact . and site seems as was. That’s a relief.

    I’ll check the impact on the host server storage re FTP snapshots file size tomorrow resulting from the duplicator back up and i’ll update U then – otherwise , just many thanks again Andrew, well done & thanks for the patience.

  24. 9 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Awesome, glad there were no problems there. Let me know if you need help clearing space on the server.

  25. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Ok Andrew – Just checked via the FTP and the host server snapshots files have indeed backed up separately – so I have a two sets of files – one from Feb 22nd and another dated from today. Same size files .. tow each for
    1 Log 2.7 k
    2 Archive 428.359k
    3 Database 26,968k
    4 Installer 324k
    5 scan 1,080k

    So I have two sets of those on my host server . what I hope to do I guess Andrew is to perhaps Duplicate a back up ANEW again tomorrow to incorporate the upgrade/updates and then delete files from Feb 22nd and today’s files the 26th. I presume deleting those snapshot files is ok ?? that is the big question now for me now ?. right click and delete tomorrow?

    I will then have a backup set dated tomorrow and delete all the other backup files …. thanks

  26. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Andrew F Y I – nothing major – since TEH upgrade and updates – one thing I notice is that when you open what were full screen images before – are now smaller and pushed slightly to TOP LEFT HAND CORNER a tad … so more space in TEH RIGHT and BASE of the images ..

    Example – go to

    Then the image in the section
    Family Tree: GL2 William ‘Jeremiah’ O’Leary

    What was a full screen is now squeezed to the top left hand corner with space on the bottom light hand corner ..
    I guess I need to manually adjust the image sizes and make them bigger and wider to fit a full screen !!!
    So it appears that since the upgrade that the full screen size has increased in capacity to take larger image size as full screen… it was circa 1750 Px / 750 Px, looks like more capacity there now.
    Just creates a bit of work unless U have a workaround Andrew … thanks

  27. 9 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Sorry to hear about this. Let’s continue this on the new thread you opened. Thanks.

  28. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Great , thanks Andrew
    Can we keep this thread Re file Storage after Backup clean up & file delete

    Just checked via the FTP and the host server snapshots files have indeed backed up separately – so I have a two sets of files – one from Feb 22nd and another dated from today. Same size files .. 2 each same size for
    1 Log 2.7 k
    2 Archive 428.359k
    3 Database 26,968k
    4 Installer 324k
    5 scan 1,080k

    So I have two sets of those on my host server . what I hope to do I guess Andrew is to perhaps Duplicate a back up ANEW again tomorrow to incorporate the upgrade/updates and then delete files from Feb 22nd and today’s files the 26th. I presume deleting those snapshot files is ok ?? that is the big question now for me now ?. right click and delete tomorrow?

    I will then have a backup set dated tomorrow and delete all the other backup files …. thanks

  29. 9 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Yes, that sounds perfect. You can delete from your hosting file manager.

    Ref: http://support.hostgator.com/articles/cpanel/how-to-createeditdelete-a-file-using-the-file-manager

  30. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Thanks Andrew Appreciated again.

  31. 9 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    For sure.

  32. 9 years, 6 months ago Seamus Fleming

    Excellent. I deleted the Duplicator back up from 22nd. Perfect…
    Thanks again Andrew. Right click and delete and job done. On Filezilla.

  33. 9 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Awesome, thanks for the update here.

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