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Some noob questions


I’ve been using WP a few years now and have generally just modiefied existing themes to suit my needs. Recently, though, I have been wanting to have more flexibility and have been looking into the various page building drag and drop editors. Page Builder seems pretty good in this respect, in not having to pay for anything actually useful.

A few questions:

After a quick search it appears that I can’t create and save pages/layouts from scratch to be used as templates. Maybe I’ve missed something but I have not been able to figure out of I can create a layout from scratch ie decide where to put a menu, header or whether all I can do is edit an existing theme.

I notice there are prebuilt page layouts, but is there a way to be able to make a change to a design that will ripple through the site? I’ve used themes in the past that have different templates for shop pages, blog, about us, contact tec. I realise I can edit individual layouts once created but say if I have a shop or portfolio layout with dozens of pages all based on the same design, what happens if I need to introduce or change an element that isn’t something that’s goverened by a global style?

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