Home>Support>SiteOrigin North Tiled Gallery Carousel

SiteOrigin North Tiled Gallery Carousel

Hi, i am using SiteOrigin North theme plus the “consultant” pack and “Tiled Galleries Carousel Without Jetpack” plugin, i was wondering if it’s possible that when click on an image, it would open the tiled plugin directly to view images in the same post , currently when i click on it, it opens a post/page including the images, once i click one of the web, it open the images on the Carouse plugin container.

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  1. 7 years, 2 months ago surreal90

    To make it more clear, what i need to accomplish is when i click on this pic:


    It would open the carousel that shows other images on the same post, what is happening now is that when i click on that image, it will take me to a page were other images are there, once i click any, the image get viewed on the carousel plugin container. So is it possible that when i click that image from the main page it would instantly open the carousel plugin container?

    Thanks :)

  2. 7 years, 2 months ago surreal90

    Can anyone suggest any other plugin or something that could do this functionality?

  3. 7 years, 2 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Surreal,

    Unfortunately, this isn’t possible without some custom coding. I’ve marked this thread as a feature request. We often look through these threads to get ideas for what to add in our future updates. Hopefully, we’ll be able to add this in a future update.

    If you need this urgently, you could always post a job on Codeable.
    Unfortunately, I’m not aware of any plugins that offer this sort of functionality at this time. Sorry mate. :(

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