Home>Support>site origin not working whole website down!

site origin not working whole website down!

Hello my whole website is built using your plug in and my whole site is down because it is not working.

please can you fix this bug or tell me how I can fix.

“”You need to install SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle to use the widget SiteOrigin_Widget_Features_Widget.”
all bars say this when trying to fix it…”

when I try to install it says that its already installed and fails… please help I am loosing customers because of this.

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  1. 26 days, 16 hours ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi, thanks for posting your question.

    Is the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle present in your Plugins list and activated? If so, is the Features Widget activated at PluginsSiteOrigin Widgets?

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