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Site and WordPress Administration interface corrupted

Yesterday I updated the Vantage Premium Theme to “premium” version. After having correctly installing it I decided also to updated the wordpress version to 4.5.3. After having done these steps I met a series of anomalies in my site: some parts of it disappeared, others changed the fonts and dimensions, pcs sliders blocked, some widgets disappeared and also Administration interface corrupted. A disaster.

Since I didi’nt know of the problem was on Premium version of your Theme or on the New WP release installation, I tried to reinstall again the WP version, but in the second time this error code appeared: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC9datalocalwebdocekho.itwp-includesclass-wp-http-curl.php on line 332.

Can you help me in recover this problems, my site and also to run again in its provisionig?
PS: just to complete the information my site is still on Localhost management, so it is not live.

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