Home>Support>Search Results custom help please

Search Results custom help please

I am working on a website with 1000’s of products, the Search results, however, are full page, not what I’m after.

Vantage Premium – Search Return Page

where you suggest:

/* Vantage Hide Sidebar on Search Results */

.search #secondary {
display: none !important;

.search #primary {
width: 100% !important;

I changed 100% to 25% as I wanted 4 on each line, but they are under each other, is there a way to change to a row of 4 @ 25% width AND just display the picture and Title with NO description included?
Many thanks,

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  1. 10 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Russell

    This isn’t polished but give it a try under Appearance > Custom CSS:

    .search-results article.post, .search-results article.page {
    float: left;
    margin-right: 10px;
    width: 20%;

    Adjust the width and margin as required.

  2. 10 years, 1 month ago Russ Doneathy

    Thanks a lot Andrew, it’s getting there,
    is there a way to take out the description and leave only the pic. and title?

  3. 10 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here



    article.post .entry-header .entry-meta, article.page .entry-header .entry-meta {
    display: none;
    article.post .entry-summary .entry-meta, article.page .entry-header .entry-summary {
    display: none;
  4. 10 years, 1 month ago Russ Doneathy

    Iam a noob, but, where do you place this in the CSS, before during or after—–
    .search-results article.post, .search-results article.page {
    float: left;
    margin-right: 10px;
    width: 20%;

  5. 10 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Sorry. Everything I’ve sent should be placed under Appearance > Custom CSS. Editing style.css won’t survive an upgrade.

  6. 10 years, 1 month ago Russ Doneathy

    no, I understand that, when I placed the latest either on top of or below the previous code (the 1st) nothing happened, I am wondering what the whole thing should look like

  7. 10 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    It should look like this:

    .search-results article.post, .search-results article.page {
    float: left;
    margin-right: 10px;
    width: 20%;
    article.post .entry-header .entry-meta, article.page .entry-header .entry-meta {
    display: none;
    article.post .entry-summary .entry-meta, article.page .entry-header .entry-summary {
    display: none;

    Still no luck? If the site is live, please send through a link and I’ll take a look.

  8. 10 years, 1 month ago Russ Doneathy

    thanks, I ‘ll try it.

  9. 10 years, 1 month ago Russ Doneathy

    thumbnail, title AND description (which I don’t want) are still there. Plus the page looks like this:
    | | | | |
    | | | |
    with it’s rows of items, 5 on the 1st row, then 1 on the far right on the 2nd, then 4 starting from the left on the 3rd. I don’t know if it’s spacing or the page width or what. I’ve tried changing/editing the 10px and 20% and there is never a combination where I get 5 rows times 2.
    Description -which I don’t want there is first, and 2x 5 rows would be excellent. Sadly, I’m not at the point I can provide a live page.

  10. 10 years, 1 month ago Russ Doneathy

    EDIT above: the 2nd row is on the far right, not left

  11. 10 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Let’s try this. Remove all the Custom CSS we’ve added for this task.

    * Login to your server via FTP and backup search.php in the /vantage folder.
    * Replace your existing search.php with this changed version: https://siteorigin.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/search.php_.zip

    Let me know how that goes. If it works we’ll put it into a child theme to make it upgrade safe.

  12. 10 years, 1 month ago Russ Doneathy

    Starting to look great, but, the Thumbnails vary in size, from 125×104 to 125×80. Is there anyway to Hard Crop them all the same size as listings: 170×170 and still have them 4 per line?
    BTW, all this extra work is much appreciated!

  13. 10 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    I’m not 100% sure why you’d be seeing different sizes there. Please try running Regen Thumbnails: http://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/.

    To change the size of this thumbnail you could then use: https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-image-sizes/. Just be sure to change the correct image and to run regen again afterwards.

  14. 10 years, 1 month ago Russ Doneathy

    Thanks Andrew,
    starting to look better, Regenerate Thumbnails did not help the Search Results, still ranging from 125×125 to 125×80. Really too small for the rest of the site listing the items at 170×170 as per the Vantage Theme. To me and the way I set up the site getting the Search Results @ 170×170 would be a must. Maybe I’m missing what I should be doing for the Site Media dimensions to get the Thumbnails to Hard Crop at those dimensions? Any ideas. Perhaps a separate Child Theme would allow those Search Results to works properly?

  15. 10 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    The change to search.php must be in a child theme to be made upgrade safe.

    I’m unfortunately not getting the same thumbnail variation in my demo so it’s hard to say what’s up there..

    We can take a couple of stabs at quickly helping on these kind of issues but they really are custom development tasks that fall outside our usual scope.

  16. 10 years, 1 month ago Russ Doneathy

    ok, thanks Andrew.
    1 last question: I’ve set it to 5 rows, but it only shows 10 results per page, is there a way to change it to 20? If so, then we’re set and we just need to create a Child Theme for the code.

  17. 10 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    For sure. That’s a setting found under Settings > Reading, Posts per page.

  18. 10 years, 1 month ago Russ Doneathy

    Thanks Andrew, alright, I’ll try a Chile Theme by myself, gotta learn sometime. I’ll let you know how I make out. Thanks again.

  19. 10 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks Russ. For sure, let us know how you come along.

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