Home>Support>Read More button doesn’t show if post is made with PageBuilder

Read More button doesn’t show if post is made with PageBuilder

In my Blog overview (see link) you can see some blog posts have a [read more] button and some don’t. The ones that don’t are built with PageBuilder, the ones that do are just normal posts.

I found a few posts that seem to be on the subject, but I couldn’t find any solution, so I created my own thread.

To reproduce:
– Create a new post
– Click the PageBuilder button.
– Add two rows
– Put a visual editor widget in the first row
– Put content in the visual editor widget and add a [Read more] tag.
– put content in the second row (anything really)
– publish

Now when you look at the blog roll, there will be no “Read more” button. The entire post will be shown instead. Am I doing it wrong? Or is this a bug?

URL: http://magicianinbali.com/blog/

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  1. 9 years, 4 months ago Magus
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Coo Van Leeuwen

    Very sorry about the late reply. We work through a prioritized forum queue, and unfortunately it’s taken us some time to get to your thread.


    To save time please see this thread

    Thread: More tag not working – What’s the work around?

    This will explain why the more tag does not work and supplies a viable solution.

    Let us know how you get on


  2. 9 years, 4 months ago Coo van Leeuwen

    Hey Magus,

    Thanks for the reply. I’m looking at the thread you linked. Andrew says this about the more button: “It’s a core quicktag function that is specifically aimed at post content.”

    That’s exactly what I’m trying to use it for. I’m just livening up my blog post using PageBuilder. How do you see this?

    The thing is, the way I look at it, there’s more people complaining about this. It is standard WordPress functionality with normal posts. Building a post with PageBuilder breaks this functionality. It seems so straightforward to me that this should be considered a bug, both by technical definition and for servicing your (paying) customers. What is your consideration for not nominating this as a bug? Are you saying we shouldn’t be building posts with PageBuilder? Also, is this really such a difficult issue to tackle?

    As a follow-up rant, the suggested workaround isn’t great for me because a) I have to install another plugin (speed, security issues, the usual), b) It becomes more difficult to track clicks, because no new page is being loaded on click. I’m sure this is also solvable with another plugin, but yeah… I’m sure you’re seeing the pattern.

    I’m not trying to be a dick here, I’m genuinely trying to understand your reasoning (and maybe change your mind).


  3. 9 years, 4 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Coo

    Thanks for the feedback. I’m the developer on SiteOrigin Page Builder so hopefully I’ll be able to clarify the reasoning not fully supporting the read more tag up to this point.

    The first issue is that the filter that Page Builder uses doesn’t give us access to $more_link_text. So we wouldn’t be supporting this argument to the the_content function.

    The second issue is structure. For WordPress, simply cutting off content at the more tag is fairly trivial. It’s a lot more complicated for Page Builder because that tag could come at any point in the in the grid structure. Just cutting things at the more tag could have some very undesired results.

    The third reason is dealing with a huge number of widgets. It’s plausible that a widget would use something that represents a more tag and causes Page Builder to mistakenly split the content in the middle of the widget.

    I’ve created a feature branch with more link support in Page Builder’s Github repo. Once we’re sure this wont have any seriously adverse effects, we’ll add this to a full release of Page Builder. One possibility is that we release this as an optional feature (disabled by default), so that the option is there, but we don’t go around breaking things for people :)


    Hope that answers all your questions.

  4. 9 years, 4 months ago Coo van Leeuwen

    Hey Greg!

    That is great news. Glad to hear you are working on it. I guess I’ll hold out until then.

    Thanks for the insight into why this is more difficult than one might anticipate. I guess the most reasonable thing from an author’s point of view (to prevent the layout from doing unpredictable things) is to be able to put the read more tag in between rows. But any implementation at this point would be very welcome!

    Thanks again. looking forward to the update!

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