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Post Loop Widget Problems

I apologize that I don’t know when this problem started to know whether it’s related to any particular update or not and that I haven’t had time yet to try to diagnose if there’s a conflict with a particular plugin but I wanted to get the ball rolling on this in hopes that maybe a solution might be found while I try to do some troubleshooting on my end.

At some point recently my Post Loop widgets are no longer showing their specific query and I when I click the Build Post Query button nothing happens.

I’ll comment later as soon as I have more information.

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  1. 8 years, 5 months ago Robert Partridge

    I finally had time to sit down and do some initial troubleshooting. I disabled all plug-ins other than Page Builder and the Widgets Bundle and then went to edit my site and the “Build Post Query” button still does not bring up anything.

    I wish I could pinpoint when this exactly happened so it might be narrowed down to either one of the recent updates you’ve pushed out or to the WordPress 4.5 update that just came out yesterday.

  2. 8 years, 5 months ago Robert Partridge

    Just want to clarify the issue a little. I have four (4) Post Loop widgets on my front page and instead of their respective queries they’re all showing the same results and I cannot open the query builder to fix it.

  3. 8 years, 5 months ago Robert Partridge

    Another update – I just realized (silly me for forgetting) that I do have a 5th Post Loop widget on the page that shows it’s correct content but it too will not allow me to edit the query.

  4. 8 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Robert

    Sorry to hear about this problem. Thanks for all if the follow-up information, much appreciated.

    Would it be possible for you to create a temporary admin account for us so we can log in and take a look? You can create the account with the following email address:

    [email protected]

    Just navigate to UsersAdd New in your WordPress admin. Enter siteorigin for the username and [email protected] for the email address. Make sure you’ve selected Administrator for the role and enabled the Send Password field so we receive the details.

    Once we’re finished taking a look, you can delete this account. We’ll let you know when to do that.

  5. 8 years, 5 months ago Robert Partridge

    I’ll setup the account shortly. Thanks for replying! I was about to give up hope.

  6. 8 years, 5 months ago Private Message - WordPress

    This is a private message.

  7. 8 years, 5 months ago Robert Partridge

    I have most of the widgets hidden via css right now so the page doesn’t look odd should anyone visit.

  8. 8 years, 5 months ago Robert Partridge

    I’m going to take a minute and return the front page to the state it “should” be in.

  9. 8 years, 5 months ago Private Message - WordPress

    This is a private message.

  10. 8 years, 5 months ago Private Message - Andrew Misplon Hi, I Work Here

    This is a private message.

  11. 8 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Apologies for the big delay. When I login I can open the Build query button your Post Loop widgets contained in the Layout Builder widget. However, we do have a bug with the Additional field of the Post Loop widget at the moment. It’s been fixed and will be included in the next version of Page Builder:


    Assuming you can also now open your Post Loop widget query window, the solution would be to remove the Additional argument and instead, try searching for the categories to display in the Taxonomies field. Start typing the name you want and you should be prompted with a list of options. Let me know how this goes and apologies again for the delay.

  12. 8 years, 5 months ago Robert Partridge

    I still cannot open the Build Post Query screen. I tried under both Firefox and Chrome just to be sure it wasn’t something where my browser was being stupid. Also – my queries did work correctly before and I didn’t change them. Were they affected by an update that changed the behavior?

  13. 8 years, 4 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Your queries were affected by a change we made to fix another bug, that fix caused this bug. Apologies! We’ve located the cause of the bug and have fixed it. The fix will be included in the next update of Page Builder.

    That’s really strange that I can open the Build post query modal window and you can’t.

    Here is what I’m seeing when opening one of the home page loop widgets:


    To try and isolate the issue, I’ve duplicated the home page here: https://www.robertpartridge.com/so-test-page/. Can you please, try editing the query in the loop widgets on that page and see if the problem persists.

    If the problem does persist, can you please, check your browser console for any JavaScript errors, thanks:


  14. 8 years, 4 months ago Robert Partridge

    Still have the same problem. Here’s what the JavaScript console reads:

    Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at wss://us38.zopim.com/s/W/ws/b+92+Iv5jpwLjAOm/c/1461261950127 (“connect-src https://www.cloudflare.com data: https://*“).

  15. 8 years, 4 months ago Private Message - Andrew Misplon Hi, I Work Here

    This is a private message.

  16. 8 years, 4 months ago Robert Partridge

    OK so a bit surprised but signing in under the siteorigin account and the Modal window works! Any suggestions on how to fix my own account?

  17. 8 years, 4 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for trying. Is it possible that you have a caching plugin in use and somehow, our account is set to not cache admin pages but yours is?

  18. 8 years, 4 months ago Robert Partridge

    Just the standard browser cache. I’ll try clearing it out.

  19. 8 years, 4 months ago Robert Partridge

    I cleared my browser cache and disabled my cache plugin on WordPress just in-case. Also killed and restarted my browser. Still no luck with it working on my account on my site.

  20. 8 years, 4 months ago Robert Partridge

    I just updated information on my account and now for some reason it is working again! Thanks so much for all your assistance. Now just waiting for the Page Builder update.

  21. 8 years, 4 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Super :) Glad that’s fixed. We’re aiming for mid-next week. To hotfix this now you could try searching for category names in the Taxonomies field.

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