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Post Carousel Not Fully Responsive

I have two Post Carousel blocks side by side in a two column arrangement. I want only a single slide to show in each at any time. My images are 500px x 300px. I have set the Feature Image size to Medium (500×300).

This all works fine on a desktop but on a narrow mobile screen the images are too big for the frame. I expected the images to shrink with the frame but they don’t.

Is it possible to fix this or is there a setting I’m missing?

I have set all of the responsive options to show only 1 slide to scroll. I’ve tried all of the other feature image sizes and none fix the problem.

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  1. 8 months, 11 days ago Jupiter1955


    I should also add I have tried the SiteOrigin Slider Widget and whilst this does work as I would expect, it is not possible to have a title displayed with the image which I need.

  2. 8 months, 8 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Jupiter1955,

    Thanks for getting in touch. Do you perhaps have a public URL where we can look at what’s going on?

    Kind regards,

  3. 8 months, 8 days ago Jupiter1955

    Hi Alex,

    I gave up and used a slider plugin instead.

    However, I will have to set it up again and send you a link.

  4. 8 months, 8 days ago Jupiter1955

    Hi Alex,

    This is the website home page. It's currently on a test domain and is not live yet.


    As you will see towards the bottom of the page there are side-by-side Smart Sliders and also below those the equivalent using the SO Post Carousel.

    Everything looks fine on a desktop but when you view on a narrow screen, the SO version crops the images and does not reduce them to fit the width of the screen as the Smart Slider does.

    Hope this helps!

  5. 7 months, 29 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here


    I’m sorry for the delay. I’ve had a look at the post carousel widget on the linked page and come up with a solution that’ll improve how larger images are handled on mobile. This will be released in a future SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle update.

    Kind regards,

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