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Pagebuilder no longer working

ve been working for almost five weeks..with exception of three days…14 to 15 hours a day trying to get this site built and hosted before our old site goes down on the 20th. Yes, I am a novice but .. Almost there… BUT..now pagebuilder isn’t working. I think I may have updated…..so tired i cant even remember…but HELP HELP HELP Please.. I need to get this completed…. when i try to add content…just basic photo image or text…..nothing happens…it just goes round and round and round…and nothing else… how do i fix this? please…….

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  1. 7 years, 4 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Nila,

    I’m very sorry for not seeing this sooner.

    Do you currently have Wordfence installed?

    If you do:
    This is likely a WordFence issue. The issue is that it’s initially very strict so things like the Learning Mode do definitely help in resolving issues like this one. However, if you want to “skip” the learning process and just use your widgets you can do so pretty easily. Go to the affected widget and open it up, don’t get “blocked” yet. Instead, open up another tab on WP AdminWordFenceLive Traffic and filter it by blocked traffic. Then make an adjustment to your button widget and you’ll get blocked. Go back to the Wordfence tab and press the whitelist param from FireWall button. This is 100% safe as the contents of the field are not at all close to what would be required for an XSS attack. (it’s really quite odd it would even suggest such a thing…).

    Let me know if this helps.

    If you don’t:
    This is very likely a plugin conflict.

    This sounds like it could be a plugin conflict issue. Can you try disabling all non-SiteOrigin plugins and see if this fixes the issue? You’ll need to clear all your caches after disabling your plugins.

    If it does fix the issue, then try re-enabling your plugins one by one until the issue comes back. This procedure will help diagnose which plugin is causing the issue.

    Once we know that, we’ll be able to look at what might be causing the conflict and either solve the problem or help you find an alternative plugin.

    If you aren’t using a SiteOrigin theme, then you can also try temporarily switching to one of the default WordPress themes to see if the issue is theme related.

  2. 7 years, 4 months ago Nila Crawford Madsen

    Hi ALex. I thought to deativate all widgets except Beaver Builder. and I cleared the cache. Then I could edit again. I am using bare bones and am almost ready to go live..later this evening – probably in the wee hours. I am learning this stuff very slowly. WHat you wrote is almost greek to me but I am going to sift through it piece by piece as I really want this to work.
    My current plan, due to time frames, is to finish editing pages as much as needed to get it up and running. Just prior to publishing try to add
    Simple Calendar in again and hope things work. Then I guess as I need to edit thing, which will be a lot daily for a bit, then I will deactivate
    Simple Calendar, make the edits needed to the pages and then reactivate
    Simple Calendar again each time before publishing. I then hope to have time to learn and understand your directions (I said I was a newbie) and hoping something will happen that it is all compatible.

    My concern is time frame because if I find out it simply will not work for us, of course I will need a refund and I only have a couple days to accomplish finding out if it will work or not. It is not my money but that of the organization that I am part of and volunteering building this for so
    I have to be diligent and careful with not spending money on something that wont work with what we have.

    *Comfort may be higher on the first mate's list than the captain's, but it is important to keep the crew happy!!!!*

  3. 7 years, 4 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Nil,

    If you have WordFence installed you need to add an exception to its filter so we can pass through it without issue.

    If you don’t have Wordfence installed, please temporarily disable all non-SiteOrigin plugins so we can try and work out what is causing this issue. If that doesn’t work, try temporarily changing theme.

    Does that make sense? For more specific instructions on how to do this, please refer to my previous post.

    I can’t seem to find record of your premium purchase which is why there was a delay in our response. Can you please send me an email to premium support (please refer to your Page: Dashboard for contact information) so I can try and verify your purchase (please do not publicly post anything)?

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