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Page Builder & visual editor (& Seo)

Hi Andrew,

I’m having a similar problem to one reported here: https://siteorigin.com/thread/page-builder-seo-by-yoast-and-visual-editor-not-working-together/

Content says ‘No’ even when its shouldn’t be.

Additionally, I can’t use Black Study TinyMCE properly with pagebuilder 1.5.3 – I can create a visual editor widget, but then only access the ‘text’ tab, and not the ‘visual tab’. The visual tab button shows, but I just can’t access it. Until its fixed I’m having to bypass visual editor and can’t properly edit previously created content.

Any help appreciated.


URL: http://www.naturespy.org/2014/10/wildlife-moors-national-park-centre/

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  1. 9 years, 10 months ago Nature Spy

    The first issue also seems to happen almost intermittently… strange… Generally doesn’t work though.

  2. 9 years, 10 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi James

    Is content being copied from Page Builder into your Visual / Text tabs on save?

    Can you confirm that you’re running the latest version of Black Studio TinyMCE? There has been a lot of work done by Marco, the author, to get Black Studio better working with Page Builder. If you do have the latest version installed then please try de-activating all plugins except for Page Builder and Black Studio and re-test.

  3. 9 years, 10 months ago Nature Spy

    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I think it is probably a problem with Black Studio TinyMCE rather than pagebuilder. I was running the latest version (2.1.6) and it wasn’t copying data across into visual/text tabs.

    I have rolled back the plugin to 1.4.8 (after trying more recent rollbacks) and I can now access the visual tab of the visual editor, but scrolling doesn’t work in the editor which is a bit of a pain. Therefore I think its probably a problem with TinyMCE rather than pagebuilder… Content is being copied across now too.

    SEO also now recognises content.

    I have posted on TinyMCE support for advice.

    Thanks for your help and quick response as usual – I imagine a few people are having this problem.



  4. 9 years, 10 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    I think this was originally your issue number 2. You are right, the Visual tab in Black Studio looks like you can’t type in it however if you start typing you’ll see your content does appear – all that’s happening is the cursor isn’t appearing.

    Testing problem one, copying content across to the Visual tab with Black Studio seems to be working fine for me on the latest versions of both plugins. Not quite sure how we can troubleshoot that. You would need to be back on the latest versions of Page Builder and Black Studio for us to re-look at the problem.

  5. 9 years, 10 months ago Nature Spy

    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks again for getting back to me. After troubleshooting with Marco at Black Studio, it actually bizarrely seemed to have been an issue relating to an extension I was running in Chrome. This is now resolved.

    Sorry for taking up your time with this, and thanks again for the great support, theme and plugins.


  6. 9 years, 10 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    No problem at all. Really glad Marco was able to take a look.

    We’re making some changes to the way content is copied to the Visual tab in Page Builder 1.6. So if the Yoast issue arises again, hang in there for us. 1.6 launching sometime this year should hopefully be able to resolve.

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