Home>Support>Page Builder too many queries MySQL Query Issues

Page Builder too many queries MySQL Query Issues


I’m hoping you can help me figure out what’s going on with our Page Builder plugin.

We have a couple different issues. The first is that we started receiving emails from our host warning that they were seeing too many MySQL queries coming from our site. Upon investigation we see that disabling Page Builder fixes the issue, reducing MySQL queries from 106% of memory down to 21%.

So, we decided we needed to update to the latest versions of all of our software, Unfortunately not only did that not help but we started getting a fatal memory error that caused the website to drop.

We then rolled back to PHP 7.0.15 and WP 5.9.3 which allows the site to run but we have to disable Page Builder.

We’re not sure what the issue is but are hoping you’ve seen this MySQL issue with Page Builder and have a solution.



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  1. 2 years, 4 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Todd,

    Thank you for reaching out. This isn’t a known issue. SiteOrign Page Builder doesn’t directly run many queries but widgets added using it may. This means that it can appear as though Page Builder is responsible for a number of queries but it could actually be a widget added using Page Builder that’s actually running them. Does this issue occur if you temporarily disable all non-SiteOrigin plugins and switch to a default theme?

    Unfortunately not only did that not help but we started getting a fatal memory error that caused the website to drop.

    Based on this happening after the updates, it’s likely you’re hitting the memory due to the increased functionality. By default, most hosting providers have a very low memory limit so one or two larger plugins and you’ll already be close to the limit. As plugins update, their requirements naturally increase so what previously was under the limit may now be over the limit. You can increase the memory limit by following these instructions – your hosting provider should be able to help with this.

    Kind regards,

  2. 2 years, 4 months ago Todd Walsh


    Thank you for your response.

    First, we only run three plugins, Page Builder, Appointment Hour Booking & SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle. We started by deactivating Appointment Hour Booking, didn’t make a difference, then the Widgets bundle, no change and finally Page Builder, we dropped down to 25% usage. We then activated the booking plugin, still at 25%, the widgets bundle, still at 25%, as soon as we activated Page Builder usage surged to 107%. That’s how we isolated Page Builder.

    Perhaps I misspoke regarding updating. The server query issues were happening on the older software (PHP 7.0.15, WP 5.9.3 & Page Builder 2.7.3). We thought that perhaps the query issue was taking place because we hadn’t updated our software and so updated, that’s when we ran into the fatal memory error. So, we rolled everything back so that the website would at least be running though the formatting is wonky.

    We’re not sure what to do from here. Tech Support at the host has been extremely limited. Our appointment calendar works but our site looks pretty bad..

    Thank you again.


  3. 2 years, 4 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Todd,

    Thank you for clarifying your plugin setup. You’re using a really old version of Page Builder. 2.7.3 was released in July of 2018, and the latest version, 2.16.11, was released 8 days ago. I recommend moving forwards with the upgrade process as that’ll ensure you’re using the latest version of our plugin which includes a number of bug fixes and performance improvements. It’s very likely the query related issue is related to using the older versions and we’re not really able to provide any direct assistance with those versions due to how outdated they are.

    If you run into the fatal error again after updating, I recommend following the advice outlined in this article for increasing your memory limit. Consider reaching out to your hosting provider for assistance making this edit.

    Kind regards,

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