Home>Support>Page Builder :: Media Manager that works?

Page Builder :: Media Manager that works?

Hello community!

I’ve been trying to find a media manager plugin that works in concert with Page Builder. Things that it needs to do:
1. Allow me to create directories and upload files singularly and in batches.
2. Allows me to navigate those directories when creating a post in a widget (i.e. TinyMCE) through Page Builder.

Does anyone know of a plugin that can do that? Trying to make this site as brainless as possible for my client.



URL: http://millard.utahgovernmentsurplus.com/

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  1. 9 years, 8 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Shadna

    We unfortunately don’t have a plugin to recommend here. If you find one, perhaps let us know.

    Our TinyMCE widget of choice for Page Builder is: http://wordpress.org/plugins/black-studio-tinymce-widget/.

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