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Page builder liste tables Mysql


Je vous contacte parce que je suis confronté à un gros problème avec Pagebuilder et qui bloque mon site.
Avant hier, j’étais en train de travailler sur mon wordpress, et j’ai lancé un enregistrement de la page après avoir fait une modification sur la page d’accueil.
Je ne sais pas trop ce qui s’est produit, mais je me suis retrouvé avec une erreur 500 sur l’appel de l’url de mon site.
Après avoir contacté mon hébergeur, il ressort qu’un module lancerait un “appel infini” (??? je ne sais pas ce que celà signifie au juste).
J’ai donc procédé a une désactivation de tous les modules que j’ai réactiver ensuite un par un.
Quand Pagebuilder n’est pas activé, le site se charge rapidement, mais avec une mise en page totalement grossière.
Et dés que je ré-active Pagebuilder, je me retrouve avec ce chargement infini et l’erreur 500 au final.
J’ai désinstallé et réinstallé le plugin Pagebuilder, mais sans résoudre le problème.
En fait, je pense qu’il y a eu un bug non identifié qui a créé un problème dans la base de données.

L’étape suivante a consisté à restaurer mon site avec une sauvegarde du 22/12/19, et elle fonctionne parfaitement, mais toutes les modifications que j’ai approtées au site toute la semaine dernière ont disparu. Le refaire va être très, très long. Et j’aimerai éviter d’avoir à tout refaire tant les modifications sont nombreuses.

Je me demande si je pourrai récupérer les tables liées à pagebuilder dans ma base de donnée qui fonctionne mais qui n’a pas les dernière mises à jours et les importer dans la base de donnée corrompues et ainsi réparer les bugs.

Mais pour faire celà, j’aurai besoin de la liste des tables qu crée et utilise Pagebuilder.

Vous serait-il possible de me les indiquer s’il vous plait? JE vous remercie pour votre aide.


I am contacting you because I am facing a big problem with Pagebuilder and that is blocking my site.
The day before yesterday, I was working on my wordpress, and I launched a recording of the page after having made a modification on the home page.
I’m not sure what happened, but I ended up with a 500 error on calling my site’s url.
After contacting my host, it appears that a module would launch an “infinite call” (??? I do not know what that means exactly).
I therefore deactivated all the modules and reactivated them one by one.
When Pagebuilder is not activated, the site loads quickly, but with a completely coarse layout.
And as soon as I re-activate Pagebuilder, I end up with this infinite load and the error 500 in the end.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the Pagebuilder plugin, but did not solve the problem.
In fact, I think there was an unidentified bug that created a problem in the database.

The next step was to restore my site with a backup of 12/22/19, and it works perfectly, but all of the changes I approved to the site all last week are gone. Redoing it will be very, very long. And I would like to avoid having to redo everything as there are so many modifications.

I wonder if I will be able to recover the tables linked to pagebuilder in my database which is working but which does not have the latest updates and import them into the corrupted database and thus repair the bugs.

But to do this, I will need the list of tables that Pagebuilder creates and uses.

Would it be possible for you to indicate them to me please? Thank you for your help.

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  1. 4 years, 8 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Jerome

    Are you able to restore your site so that all of your new work isn’t lost? If so, please proceed, it would be better if we solved the 500 error. If you are able to restore, try the following. Deactivate all plugins and activate only Page Builder, in this state, does the 500 error persist? Please, let us know the results.

  2. 4 years, 8 months ago CSI24

    Version Française :

    Thank you for your prompt response.
    Yes, of course, I already tried to do this.
    No, I cannot restore the site to a date which allows me to return to a previous stage which had taken my work into account. The previous backup could allow me to restore the site before any changes. So, as I found a solution to get around the problem, I went elsewhere.

    So, I did a few tests:
    1 – I disabled PageBuilder and the problem is gone. When I re-activated it, the problem returned.
    2 – In Debug mode, I was able to determine that the source of the problem was in function.php in the wp-includes directory. But I could not solve the problem by itself.
    3 – By doing research on the web, I found that all those who answered the problem of people facing the same kind of problem, advised to deactivate all the modules, to put back one of the templates initially provided in WordPress, then to re -activate the modules one by one.
    So, I disabled PageBuilder, uninstalled, cleaned the database, changed the template, reinstalled Pagebuilder and the templates, the problem persisted.
    4 – So, to follow the advice of the forum, I did the same work, but by changing the templates and … everything works well.

    But I have to do it all over again. Too bad for me, I started my modifications with the new templates.

    So I think, for some unknown reason, there is a bug that appeared between the Pagebuilder module and the templates (when everything worked fine at the start).
    If that can help you find the source of the problem in order to prevent the problem from resting with other PageBuilder users, the template I used is the “Master Blog” theme.

    For my part, I couldn’t wait any longer so I stayed with the new templates. And I’m doing it all over again (it’s been two rather short nights, and there are still more to come, but that’s how it is. But suddenly, I save much more often … lol.

    I wish you a good day, as well as a very good and happy new year.

    Version anglaise :

    Thank you for your prompt response.
    Yes, of course, I already tried to do this.
    No, I cannot restore the site to a date which allows me to return to a previous stage which had taken my work into account. The previous backup could allow me to restore the site before any changes. So, as I found a solution to get around the problem, I went elsewhere.

    So, I did a few tests:
    1 – I disabled PageBuilder and the problem is gone. When I re-activated it, the problem returned.
    2 – In Debug mode, I was able to determine that the source of the problem was in function.php in the wp-includes directory. But I could not solve the problem by itself.
    3 – By doing research on the web, I found that all those who answered the problem of people facing the same kind of problem, advised to deactivate all the modules, to put back one of the templates initially provided in WordPress, then to re -activate the modules one by one.
    So, I disabled PageBuilder, uninstalled, cleaned the database, changed the template, reinstalled Pagebuilder and the templates, the problem persisted.
    4 – So, to follow the advice of the forum, I did the same work, but by changing the templates and … everything works well.

    But I have to do it all over again. Too bad for me, I started my modifications with the new templates.

    So I think, for some unknown reason, there is a bug that appeared between the Pagebuilder module and the templates (when everything worked fine at the start).
    If that can help you find the source of the problem in order to prevent the problem from resting with other PageBuilder users, the template I used is the “Master Blog” theme.

    For my part, I couldn’t wait any longer so I stayed with the new templates. And I’m doing it all over again (it’s been two rather short nights, and there are still more to come, but that’s how it is. But suddenly, I save much more often … lol.

    I wish you a good day, as well as a very good and happy new year.

  3. 4 years, 8 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Jerome

    I’m sorry to hear about the loss of work. Please, reach out to us if anything like this occurs in the future. I understand you couldn’t wait but if anything like this happens in the future, I’m confident we can help to resolve the issue without the loss of work.

    I’ve activated Master Blog with all SiteOrigin plugins and haven’t been able to recreate the issue, unfortunately.

    If any questions arise, please, let us know.

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