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Page builder is not responding anymore

Hello. I’ve been using your wonderful Page Builder for our website. We are a really small non-profit organization on disaster risk reduction and I’ve been trying to edit our website for 8 months now and it seems Page Builder just won’t take edits anymore. Here’s what I tried.

1) I edited the content of our front page. It did not reflect and when I checked, the old content gets back and my edits got lost. Tried again, saved, page said it updated but it just went back to the old content (e.g., photo, text, etc.). It also is the same with deleting the content. I deleted all. Update succesful. Voila, everything came back.

2) I deactivated Page Builder and I can finally delete the content. But as soon as I activate Page Builder, the deleted content came back.

3) I changed my home page. It worked. So I can start from scratch. Worked on Page Builder. Saved my work. Page remains blank.

I don’t want to use any other page builder because yours is perfect. I do not want drag and drop and your columns are perfect to anything I want to do, plus all the plugins. It just won’t work. I don’t have budget to purchase premium, unfortunately (I said “I” because I can’t reimburse most of my purchases for the website because we are non-profit so I have to shoulder the expenses). But is there anything else we can do? If I get a project, maybe I can purchase for one website. I just need to make sure that it will work. Thank you very much for your time.



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  1. 22 days, 1 hour ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi A

    Thanks for posting your question.

    Please take a screenshot of the home page while you’re editing the page content in Page Builder, upload the screenshot to WeTransfer.com or any online location, and send us the link here on the forum. If possible, please also share the site link.



  2. 22 days, 17 minutes ago drrnetphils

    Dear Andrew,

    You are amazing and I appreciate very much your response, even if I don’t have Premium plan. I uploaded a screen recording instead, so you can see the process and how it is saving (or not saving). Our website can also be seen in the screen recording. Thank you so much. Here is the link to the WeTransfer: https://we.tl/t-BFs6wt6nAh

    Thank you very much. I appreciate your help very much.



  3. 22 days, 9 minutes ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for the screencast and feedback.

    Please try a quick plugin conflict test to check for a working baseline. You can begin the testing process as follows:

    From Plugins, temporarily deactivate all plugins except SiteOrigin Page Builder. If you’re using the Classic Editor plugin, you can leave it activated. At most, only SiteOrigin Page Builder and the Classic Editor (if you have it installed) should be activated.
    – Once the above temporary deactivation is complete, re-try the page edit. Does the issue persist?

    Please let us know what you find.

  4. 21 days, 23 hours ago drrnetphils

    Oh my, you are amazing! It took a bit to hunt down what is wrong because I did as you ask (even deactivated Hello Dolly) and gradually activated each plugins to track down. It was actually obvious which one, it was WP Mapbox GL that has been labeled as “deprecated.” Thank you so much!

    Let me add SiteOrigin in our page as a plugin and dev to thank. Will keep it there, even we get budget to buy the Premium. Again, thank you so much, Andrew!

  5. 21 days, 23 hours ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    I’m glad to hear you’ve found the issue and conflicting plugin; that’s great news. Thanks for your reply and kind feedback. All the best with your site.



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