Home>Support>Page Builder Full Width Doesn’t work

Page Builder Full Width Doesn’t work

I tried to create a page full width. I select in pages attributes full width page.
I build a single page with page builder option and when I pre visualized the sidebar position is there with nothing.
I have been looking for a solution in the forum but I can not find it.

URL: http://www.romanticlovetextmessages.com/full/

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  1. 9 years, 9 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Victor

    Thanks for running Vantage.

    The full width layout as seen in our demo: http://demo.siteorigin.com/vantage/ refers to the header and footer backgrounds being full width and no container around the content area. There is unfortunately no true full width option in Vantage. You can provide a Page Builder row width a background that stretches full width. This can be set by clicking the second icon on the right of any Page Builder row, Visual Styles and selecting the Wide Grey option.

    The main container in Vantage is constrained to 1080px. If you’d like to expand that you can do so by add the following to Appearance > Custom CSS and adjusting the figure there as required:

    /* Vantage full width expand main container width */
    body.responsive.layout-full #page-wrapper #main .full-container {
    max-width: 1500px !important;
  2. 9 years, 9 months ago Victor Gonzalez

    Hi Andrew:
    I understand your replay but I’ve something strange. My problem is that in my blog I put full width and the place of the sidebar appear blank.
    You can see in http://www.romanticlovetextmessages.com/aaan/?preview=true&preview_id=471&preview_nonce=e085dd6e28
    Also I’ve a test site where I’ve tried the same and the result is ok
    You can see in http://pruebas.secomo.es/?page_id=1111&preview=true
    I’ve check all the parameters in the two sites and are the same. The same widget, them configuration, etc.Probably there will be something different that cause the different result.
    Any help will be glad.

  3. 9 years, 9 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Ahh right. That sounds like something we can fix. Do you have a public urls we can take a look at?

  4. 9 years, 9 months ago Victor Gonzalez

    Hi. This are the public Url of the two pages
    If you need something more, please tell me.

  5. 9 years, 9 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Both of the links you provided are running the full width page template. This page here: http://pruebas.secomo.es/?page_id=1111 is using two Text widgets in one row while this url http://pruebas.secomo.es/?page_id=1111 is using one Text widget.

    That’s the only difference I can see.

  6. 9 years, 9 months ago Victor Gonzalez

    I made a change in the page. The new urls are

    I tried what you said in Thread: Full width page template

    Doesn’t work

    What can I do?

    Thank you

  7. 9 years, 9 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Apologies, I think we’re missing each other here. Let me try run it through from the top:

    The template is currently using the Boxed Layout option found under Appearance > Theme Settings. That’s a global setting that applies to the entire site. The Full Width page template just removes the sidebar, it doesn’t change the global layout.

    If you’re referring to the content on those pages..the content doesn’t run right across the page because there are two Page Builder columns being used. To change that you’d go to the page in question, click on the Page Builder tab and remove one of the columns. The remaining column would then run full width.

    Hope I covered what matters somewhere in there.

  8. 9 years, 9 months ago Victor Gonzalez


    I’ve changed to full with layout in both sites. Nothing change.

    I don’ know what to do. Any idea?

    Thank you

  9. 9 years, 9 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Victor

    This is Vantage’s full width layout: http://www.romanticlovetextmessages.com/side/. See how the menu bar stretches across the page, the footer does the same. There is no true full width content layout in Vantage. In my very first reply here I listed a selector you can add to Appearance > Custom CSS to change the width of the center content container. Right now it’s 1080px wide. You can make it larger using that first snippet I sent.

  10. 9 years, 4 months ago Vadim

    Please only post on this thread if you’re trying to help the original poster. This thread belongs to them. If you have your own issue, please start a new thread and we’ll help you there.

    I can not start a new thread because:

    Oops, it looks like our automated system thinks your message is spam. Please go back and try edit your message content or email [email protected].

    • 9 years, 4 months ago Andrew Misplon
      Hi, I Work Here

      Hi Vadim

      Sorry about the hassle. Akismet is unfortunately marking your new threads as a spam. Moving forward we’ll find a better way to deal with these false positives. For now, please email us on [email protected]. Thanks

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