Home>Support>Page Builder Borken, all contents lost

Page Builder Borken, all contents lost

Hello siteOrigin team,

first of all thank you for your great job!
But I can’t stop sweating from everywhere right now :)

I’m using WordPress 4.8.3 with the Vantage theme
SiteOrigin Page Builder Version 2.5.14
WooCommerce Version 3.2.3 (but not part of the problem I think)
so not the last versions but just the previously released and all worked fine until 2 days ago.

I was updating a page (built with page builder)
only 3 rows containing 1 text widget each, with a title and a shortcode as content.
I tried to add <a> tag before the shortcode so I switch to text version of the text widget, add my HTML code and save.
I tested it in front-end and all looked as expected.

Then I moved to my homepage in front-end and see that all the displays were broken (no more columns, only rows) and all the content generated by shortcodes were missing.
I went to the homepage in back-end and noted that my default tab was the Text editor and not the Page Builder editor.
I also noticed that all shortcodes were replaced by HTML tags (I think the HTML code generated by shortcodes but not the entire one)
ex :

<ul class="products">
<li class="post-834 type-product status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry product_cat-cd product_cat-ep-maxi-single-demo product_cat-records product_cat-neuf product_tag-dzl post post-with-thumbnail post-with-thumbnail-large">

so no more thumbnail image, title, etc…

When I click the page builder tab it asks me if I want to convert my content to Page Builder Content.
Then all my Text widgets are replaced by SiteOrigin Editor widget only containing :

<div class="textwidget"></div>

so no more content… at all

It is the same on all my pages built with Page Builder so 70% of my website……

I turned off all my widgets to see if there were a conflict somewhere but nothing changed.
I tried to compare my database with a one month ago backup but there’s a lot of content added since then and I’m unable to see where Page Builder comes in the game…

Have you any idea what could caused the problem and if there is a way to recover my clean contents ?

Oh and my website is on my localhost so no way to give you access to it.
It was suposed to be in production on january 1st…

Thanks for your help!!!

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  1. 6 years, 6 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Jérôme,

    Unfortunately, I’m not too sure why this has happened but based on the fact that this issue is affecting all pages I suspect it’s very unlikely what you did to your home page has caused this issue (pages can’t affect other pages) sitewide which means something else must have.

    Can you try disabling all non-SiteOrigin plugins and see if this fixes the issue? You’ll need to clear all your caches after disabling your plugins.

    If it does fix the issue, then try re-enabling your plugins one by one until the issue comes back. This procedure will help diagnose which plugin is causing the issue.

    Once we know that, we’ll be able to look at what might be causing the conflict and either solve the problem or help you find an alternative plugin.

    If you aren’t using a SiteOrigin theme, then you can also try temporarily switching to one of the default WordPress themes to see if the issue is theme related.

  2. 6 years, 6 months ago Jérôme

    Thank you Alex for your answer.

    As mentioned before (in my long post, sorry for that, I tried to be the more precise I could) I use the Vantage theme (so a Site Origin theme) and I already disabled all the plugins, clearing all caches, but nothing changed.

    I think about a bug with Page builder because one modification in a Page Builder row affected all pages built with Page Builder.
    I tried to update the plugin with last version but nothing changed neither.

    I’m afraid that corrupted data is now recorded in my database so I won’t be able to recover my clean data..
    Is there any hope I’m wrong?

    Am I the first in the world facing this issue ?

  3. 6 years, 6 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Jérôme,

    I tried to update the plugin with last version but nothing changed neither.

    Oh? That sounds like the source of this issue. To clarify, what version of SiteOrigin Page Builder were you previously using? Also, what version of SiteOrigin Page Builder did you update to?

    Am I the first in the world facing this issue ?

    We haven’t received similar reports of edits breaking all pages (read: this is very unusable – pages are literally designed not to affect each other) so sadly, yes, this appears to be an issue specific to your website. Sorry mate. :(

  4. 6 years, 6 months ago Jérôme

    I was on Page Builder Version 2.5.14 while the issue occured
    I updated to 2.6.0 but it didn’t fix anything.`
    so I rolled back to 2.5.14

    I also don’t understand how my shortcodes […] placed in page builder cells are now converted to plain HTML code……

  5. 6 years, 6 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Jérôme,

    Please open up a page that should have Page Builder present and please send me the contents of your console? Please refer to this guide on how to access your browser console.

    I also don’t understand how my shortcodes […] placed in page builder cells are now converted to plain HTML code……

    Unfortunately, I’m not too sure why this happened.

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