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North theme with one page menu

By gcneal, 8 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 years ago.


I’m using the north theme and have a menu setup as a one page (jumps to the sections) but on my iphone it seems to go abit crazy. Like if I went to services, it jumps as expected, but then if I went to scroll up/down it seems like it is becoming sticky (The first jump seems fine, then after the second jump is when the problem starts occurring). I disabled all plugins other than Page Builder by SiteOrigin.

Any thoughts?

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  1. 8 years, 5 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Gcneal,

    Do you have a public URL where we can take a look at what’s going on? If you need to keep this URL private from other users, just select “Private Reply” on the bottom right of the comment box.

  2. 8 years, 5 days ago Private Message - gcneal

    This is a private message.

  3. 8 years, 4 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Gcneal,

    Ah. So that’s due to the scroll still being in process when you attempt to scroll. The only possible way to avoid this would be to disable smooth scroll – or to not attempt a scroll during the scroll. To do this please navigate to WP AdminAppearanceCustomize and then Theme SettingsNavigation and disable Smooth Scroll.

  4. 8 years, 1 day ago gcneal

    Hi Alex

    Thank you.

    I disabled smooth scroll as suggested and then added the following script:

    $(function() {
      $('a[href*=#]:not([href=#], [data-toggle=collapse])').click(function() {
        if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') && location.hostname == this.hostname) {
          var target = $(this.hash);
          target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) +']');
          if (target.length) {
              scrollTop: target.offset().top -69
            }, 800);
            return false;

    This seems to work fine but for some reason when the menu is a hamburger, it stops working. Any ideas?

    Also are you able to guide me to the location of your smooth scroll.

    Thank you.

  5. 7 years, 11 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Gcneal,

    That’s due to the hamburger menu using #menu. I would recommend excluding #mobile-menu-button from your check.

    You can found the code for the smooth scroll at, wp-content/themes/siteorigin-north/js/north.js There’s a jQuery function called northSmoothScroll and it’s called at the bottom of the file (search for smoothScroll).

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