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Menu Title and Gallery in Widget Questions?

New user of WordPress. I am using the theme Vantage to practice layouts etc, and I have a couple of questions.
When I place a gallery of images in a widget using the page builder layout the images are not aligned flush with the top edge of the widget, there is a gap at the top, so the images drop down about 10px. Its obvious when the widget background is coloured and when there is a panel of text next to the gallery as the text heading doesn’t align with the top of the gallery. I would like the row of images to sit up flush with the top edge. The code in the (text) widget is: . Layout padding is set to 0px.

I am using the sample page as my home page. However I cannot get the menu name in the main navigation menu to be in all CAPITAL letters. All other menu titles for all new pages created are ok. I have typed the title in ALL CAPS but it only displays in caps and lower case?

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  1. 9 years, 4 months ago ANTGIL

    Just saw the bit about code.
    The code in the (text) widget is: .

      [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" columns="5" ids="129,128,127,126,125,124,123,122,121,120"]  

    Layout padding is set to 0px.

  2. 9 years, 4 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here


    If you could please send through a link to the gallery concerned, I’m sure we can help out there.

    Try the following under Appearance > Custom CSS to make your menu uppercase:

    /* Menu */
    .main-navigation ul li a {
    text-transform: uppercase;
  3. 9 years, 4 months ago ANTGIL

    Thanks Andrew the CSS worked for the text.

    You might not be able to help regarding the gallery issue as my site is local at the moment so unfortunately I can’t send a link. But, basically; I have a two column row created in Page Builder. In the left column I have a TEXT widget with a heading and some text. In the column on the right I have placed a TEXT widget and pasted in the code for a gallery (same code as my first post). When I view the page I see text on the left and two rows of 5 gallery thumbnails on the right, with space between the rows. It does appear though that there is extra padding above the first row of images (this looks like the same amount of space in the middle between the two rows of thumbnails as well), so that they appear lower down the column (approx 10-15px) than the text in the left side column. I’ve tried to look at the source code and I do believe that the padding is either part of the widget or the way the gallery is placed, (I think this is an inline block?), but I can’t identify what part of the CSS code this applies to. I guess the padding is there to separate the rows, its unfortunate that it is causing the top row to shift down. I will still keep investigating, I’m still new to this.

  4. 9 years, 4 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for the extra info here. If you don’t mind waiting you could move on with your build, when the site is live send us the link and we can help out with this particular alignment challenge.

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