Home>Support>Layout Builder in Footer, So Editor text not visible except in Preview

Layout Builder in Footer, So Editor text not visible except in Preview

This is just weird. I have a footer which is using Layout Builder – https://theangelstouch.co.uk/ – it all looks great on the website and links work. I wanted to change the left column two page links as they are going to the development URL. But when I went into the footer to edit it, the text is not visible. When the text is white, this happens but then you can go to ‘text’ instead of ‘visual’ and then you can see and edit the code there.

But now, for no reason that I know of, each instance of ‘site origin editor’ is not working. I cannot access it to edit it because it’s not showing. On the left block I can see it if I click ‘preview’. In the right block it’s not visible there either, it’s simply nowhere to be seen!! I don’t know what could be causing this.

I was going to attach screenshots but I see that I can’t.

Thanks for help.

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  1. 5 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Charlie

    Thanks for reaching out.

    This sounds like it could be a plugin conflict issue. Can you try disabling all non-SiteOrigin plugins and see if this fixes the issue? You’ll need to clear all your caches after disabling your plugins.

    If it does fix the issue, then try re-enabling your plugins one by one until the issue comes back. This procedure will help diagnose which plugin is causing the issue.

    Once we know that, we’ll be able to look at what might be causing the conflict and either solve the problem or help you find an alternative plugin.

    If you aren’t using a SiteOrigin theme, then you can also try temporarily switching to one of the default WordPress themes to see if the issue is theme related.

  2. 5 years, 5 months ago charlieapple

    Hi Andrew,
    I’m terrified of deactivating any plugins! Will I lose any of the settings that I’ve created for the plugin because I’ve spent days customising my Amelia plug in and wouldn’t want to lose anything.

    The only non SO plugins I have activated are Amelia, Classic Editor and Duplicate Post. That’s it. Just thought I’d mention that in case you know of any issues with any of these. I am using Corp theme. The site is at http://www.theangelstouch.co.uk if you are able to take a look, not sure if you can.

    Let me know if disabling the plugins is the way to go then. I did try to edit the footer in Chrome and Safari and it’s the same emptiness on both!

  3. 5 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi :)

    No changes will be lost by deactivating plugins. Taking your WordPress installation to a baseline setup is an important part of most troubleshooting.

    I’m not aware of issues with the plugins mentioned. Give the test a try, we’ll suggest further steps if a working baseline isn’t found.

    If you wanted to take a backup of your site Duplicator is good for that: https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicator/

  4. 5 years, 5 months ago charlieapple

    Hi Andrew,
    I braved it and bingo! The problem is with Amelia – which is the most important plug in that I have! The others I could have lived without but this is fundamental to the site. While I had access to the footer when it was disabled, I made the change that I needed to make to the footer, so that’s updated now, but it would still be nice to find out what the problem between them is. I would hate to have that disappearing act suddenly happen on any SO widget at any time. Why the footer specifically? Or maybe it’s just with the Layout Builder I’m using?

    Anyway, the problem is Amelia which is a paid for plugin.

    Thanks again – wait to hear back.
    Best, Tracy

  5. 5 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks Tracy. If you’re feeling keen, you could email Amelia support and let me then know if they install the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle and insert a SiteOrigin Editor widget into a widget area, the following error will be in the console:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: wpAmeliaLabels is not defined
        at t.(anonymous function).t.(anonymous function).init (http://localhost/siteorigin/wp-content/plugins/ameliabooking/public/js/tinymce/amelia-mce.js?wp-mce-4920-20181217:288:16)
        at Jx (tinymce.min.js?ver=4920-20181217:2)
        at Array.<anonymous> (tinymce.min.js?ver=4920-20181217:2)
        at Object.Ht [as each] (tinymce.min.js?ver=4920-20181217:2)
        at nw (tinymce.min.js?ver=4920-20181217:2)
        at Aw.<anonymous> (tinymce.min.js?ver=4920-20181217:2)
        at Array.<anonymous> (tinymce.min.js?ver=4920-20181217:2)
        at Ht (tinymce.min.js?ver=4920-20181217:2)
        at u (tinymce.min.js?ver=4920-20181217:2)
        at n (tinymce.min.js?ver=4920-20181217:2)

    To hotfix this for yourself, go to Plugins and search for Black Studio TinyMCE, install and active: https://wordpress.org/plugins/black-studio-tinymce-widget/. You don’t need to use the Visual Editor widget it adds. It’s similar to the SiteOrigin Editor widget. I, unfortunately, can’t spend more time on this so I can’t say why this fixes the issue. With Black Studio activated, the issue appears resolved.

  6. 5 years, 5 months ago charlieapple

    thank you so much Andrew. I have done the hot fix and it is now visible! What a weird thing but what a great discovery!! I’m all set now. And yes I am keen so I will definitely pass this on to the Amelia team – I’m sure they will want to fix that!! Thanks again Andrew. Until the next time….

  7. 5 years, 5 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Super, glad that helps.

    Cheers for now :)

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