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Issues with Google Maps Widget


I have recently had issues with the appearance of pages using the google maps widget – everything can look fine in WordPress but layouts are corrupted on the pages. I believe this is related to one of the more recent plug in updates but at the moment the only option I have is to remove the widget from all the pages.

Any ideas!


PS first time user and website novice level 2

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  1. 7 years, 3 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Leanne,

    Can you please elaborate on the appearance issues you were experiencing and why you thought they were related to the Google Maps widget?

    Can you add a Google Maps widget to a test page so I can see the issue?

  2. 7 years, 1 day ago leanne

    Hello Alex – thank you for the response.

    It is probably easier to explain what is happening and show you with a few screen shots.

    One of the impacted pages is https://www.vegiemagic.com.au/product-tastings

    When I edit or view the page in WordPress – I have no layout issues – all maps showing and no issues with the text. Using the live editor all looks fine on a phone and tablet. These maps were created using the latest Site origin google maps widget.

    Then …..
    .. at times the maps don’t display on the live page and I have had issues with text jumping into other locations it is not meant to be
    … I have been checking the page on my ipad pro and iphone on a regular basis and I am now calling this the case of the missing maps – now you see them now you don’t – I will put links to screenshots from my pad below. The interesting thing is that all can look fine in wordpress AND if I see an issue and update a page (with no changes to the page) in WordPress everything is fixed – but only temporarily. On the pad it looks like the map is compressed to a single line on the right hand side

    Here is screenshot from pad where issue is occurring (I hope the link works this is new to me)

    when I update in wordpress it looks as it should

  3. 6 years, 11 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Leanne,

    Thanks. That’s quite odd. Would it be possible for you to send me an export for this widget? To do this open up the page with the widget and click Layout button in the Page Builder toolbar. Then click import/export and then click download. Please upload the export to a 3rd party file hosting site such as teknik.io.

  4. 6 years, 11 months ago leanne

    Hi Alex

    I have followed your instructions and loaded the file to Teknik.io.

    The link is


  5. 6 years, 11 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Leanne,

    Thanks. To clarify, where are you setting the border? I ask as I can’t seem to find reference to it anywhere in the provided layout which would explain why it’s not showing up on your website. Please open the Layout Builder that houses the Google Maps widgets and open the first-row housing the first Google Map. Please Head over to the row styles sidebar and open the Design settings group and set the Border Color as desired. Save. How does that look?

  6. 6 years, 11 months ago leanne

    Hi Alex

    The row border colour is already set in the layout -it is green.

    I set the border colour to white for the google maps widget and the visual editor widget for 1 of the rows – this made no difference. Everything can look fine in WordPress but the missing map and green row border is still happening. I then set the border colour for the other row – and still no improvement.

    I have also looked again at all settings, etc by nothing seems to make any difference.

  7. 6 years, 11 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Leanne,

    Please disregard my previous reply – I was using a theme that was having issues with displaying the design settings group inside of layout builders. Sorry!

    I can’t seem to replicate the issue with this issue locally and I suspect this is a plugin conflict. Can you try disabling all non-SiteOrigin plugins and see if this fixes the issue? You’ll need to clear all your caches after disabling your plugins.

    If it does fix the issue, then try re-enabling your plugins one by one until the issue comes back. This procedure will help diagnose which plugin is causing the issue.

    Once we know that, we’ll be able to look at what might be causing the conflict and either solve the problem or help you find an alternative plugin.

    If the above doesn’t help, then you can also try temporarily switching to one of the default WordPress themes to see if the issue is theme related.

  8. 6 years, 11 months ago leanne

    Thanks Alex

    I will try this and let you know where I get to.

  9. 6 years, 11 months ago leanne

    Hi Alex

    I have deactivated plug ins, etc and still have the same issue – what I see in WordPress page view and live editor is not what I see or is stable on my computer monitor, iphone or ipad. I have also made all widgets on the page site origin widgets.

    I am not in a position to change themes at the moment – current was customised by someone else who no longer is available to work on the site. Theme is Minamaze. Are you aware of potential conflicts with this theme in the past 2-3 months – the issue did not exist prior to some updates during this time (WordPress, SO plugin ins and theme updates).

    I am wondering if the issue arises when the widget is in a layout nested within another layout but I will need to test this. I have also had similar issues with the image widget set up the same way to the point I have now removed them until this is resolved. I have also removed the maps widget from other pages for similar reasons.

  10. 6 years, 11 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Leanne,

    I’m not aware of any major issues with Minamaze lately but based on your test (and the exported layout), this issue is likely related to Minamaze. Your best bet would be to create a backup, temporarily change theme and verify that this issue is occurring. To clarify, are you using a child theme? If so, this issue is likely related to the child theme rather than a general theme issue.

    I am wondering if the issue arises when the widget is in a layout nested within another layout but I will need to test this.

    No, that’s not the cause. To clarify, I was able to use the provided layout without issue.

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