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Is it a bug? | Margins & Paddings

Dear Support Team,

After entering a value for either Top, Bottom (e.g. 30), Left, or Right and updating and publishing it, I went back and saw that all the values had changed at the same time and became 30, 30, 30, 30. Is this a default, bug, or something else I am not doing correctly?

Best regards,
Max Lim

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  1. 20 days, 1 hour ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Max

    Thanks for posting your question.

    Padding and Margin multi-measurement fields auto-complete. If you enter 30 for the top value and click anywhere else, you’ll see the remaining three fields populate. If you enter a single value and close the row, it’s possible to miss the auto-population. If you have a moment, please enter 0 for the remaining values and you should be good to go.

    Thanks again.


  2. 20 days, 1 hour ago spmr-1047

    Hi Andrew,

    Is there any setting to enable/disable this auto-populate feature?
    Did not see this auto-population, please send a screenshot here.

    Best regards,

  3. 20 days, 1 hour ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Max

    Auto-population is the behavior you described; if you enter 30 in the first Padding field and click away, 30 will be populated in the three remaining fields. Unfortunately, a setting to disable this behavior doesn’t yet exist. I’ll log your request shortly; thanks for your feedback.

  4. 20 days, 1 hour ago spmr-1047

    Hi Andrew,

    I see then right missed out on all this auto-population for any amendments.
    Till I went to do a live preview and discovered it.
    Note on the request to log this feature, if possible for free version.
    Thanks for clarifying.

    Best regards,

  5. 20 days, 1 hour ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Max

    I’m sorry to hear about the hassle. I don’t recall this being raised in the past, which is why it hasn’t been addressed, but I can see how you could miss the population. Put another way, once you enter a value, the form requires a value in all fields; either a positive value or 0 or a negative value is ok in the case of margin.

    All the best with your site, and sorry again for the hassle.

    Cheers, Andrew

  6. 19 days, 20 hours ago spmr-1047

    Hi Andrew,

    No hassle was created; good to clarify.
    Thanks for the swift response and support.

    Best regards,

  7. 19 days, 19 hours ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Max

    Thanks for your understanding and kind reply; much appreciated.

    Kind regards


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