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Image Title Text Size

I’ve seen some threads here requesting info on how to change the default title font size for images. The answers have usually involved inserting .css code. I am not a coder, just a guy trying to run a small website.

Given that the default font size is huge and unusable for smaller images, I would think some built-in variability would be included with the package. Page Builder has so many wonderful features that allow me to craft the site, why is this one missing? The default is rigid and inappropriate for anything but very large images.

Come on, guys. Help me out, here.

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  1. 6 years, 3 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Jhoughton1,

    We actively try and avoid overriding things that theme are known to handle for consistency reasons – this is to ensure pages that do and don’t use Page Builder look the same for things like titles. I know it’s not ideal and for that, I’m sorry.

    If you’re looking for more overall control over the title, I would recommend not using it and instead using a SiteOrigin headline widget which is a highly customisable widget that allows you to create titles.

  2. 6 years, 3 months ago jhoughton1

    I hear you, but I’m not sure you’re achieving your stated goal. Non-PB posts/pages — within the theme, of course — likewise do not allow font-size changes for their captions, but at least those are suitably small, legible but not commandeering great chunks of screen space (especially when large size means two lines of caption where one would be more appropriate), forcing down subsequent material.and generally looking out-of-scale. Might I recommend, if you are determined to make the font-size inflexible, that you make it a more reasonable size?

    Your suggestion about using a headline widget is unlikely to address my issue. A good caption is tucked right up under its image — or, I suppose, above it if that is your design style. No amount of eliminating buffers and margins brings the caption within suitable range of the image, making it look like something separate. At least that’s my experience. Anyone who knows how to bring two widgets closer together, please instruct me.

    Thanks, Alex, for your response.

  3. 6 years, 3 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Jhoughton,

    I’ve forwarded your feedback to the development team.

    You can override the image widget title with some custom CSS. If you navigate to AppearanceCustom CSS, you’ll get our custom CSS editor. Please add (and adjust) the following CSS:

    .widget_sow-image .widget-title {
    	font-size: 1em;

    Please note that the default size of the image caption is the size specified by your theme. The above CSS may honestly be too big so consider switching to px and lowering the amount significantly.

    You might also need to install the SiteOrigin CSS Editor.

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