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How to remove cloned post from layouts

Seems every post created via the clone posts layout section not only make or creates a new post on the website but it
makes it’s own copy in the pagebuilder layouts section.

How can we delete those copies of copies :-)
I can set-up 1 post layout to use but will end up with 50 “cloned posts”

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  1. 3 days, 10 hours ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi, thanks for getting in touch.

    LayoutsClone: Pages or Clone: Posts will list all the available Page Builder pages or posts in your WordPress installation. The Clone interfaces in the Layouts section are just listing, they aren’t creating new posts or pages. If you clone a post you would have created a new post, the Layouts section will then make that new post available for cloning if it’s a Page Builder layout.

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