Home>Support>Having another problem with archive navigation

Having another problem with archive navigation

Currently having a problem with navigating posts in a given month’s archive. It stays on the first page whether you hit “Next” or any of the numbers to jump to.


Post to post navigation works fine:
http://askourpainters.com/2014/03/master-bedroom-paint-color-ideas/ (you can navigate using the next/previous post links)

Even the category archive navigation, which looks to use the same navigation/loop as the monthly archives, is working:

This was working with version 1.1.10 and I believe 1.1.11 of the theme. I’m not sure if 1.1.12 is the culprit or if it’s something else interfering. All plugins are up to date, currently using:

Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
Google Analytics for WordPress
Meta Slider
SiteOrigin Page Builder
SiteOrigin Masonry
WordPress SEO

The postviews one requires a small change to the theme’s php files and any changes were done to a child theme’s page.php, single.php and loops/loop-blog.php which I’m suspecting might be where the problem is, although comparing the latest versions in the parent theme to the edited child theme files, they’re identical except for the one line added for the postviews plugin. The line is (I’m hoping the forum doesn’t try to use that code, and just prints it as normal text…) and it’s placed just above the comments block on page and single, and just before the endwhile in the loop-blog. And I’ve just tried moving it outside of the loop, but still just before the navigation in loop-blog, but that doesn’t appear to have fixed it.

Have also just tried removing all the child theme files, so that it is only the style.css in the child theme folder, and that too does not appear to have any effect on the monthly archive navigation.

Anything else I can try, or is this a bug that 1.1.12 introduced?

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  1. 10 years, 3 months ago jccgrp_jayg

    well crap, it didn’t leave the php line. Reposting it with dashes so that hopefully it doesn’t interpret as code, just remove the dashes manually if you want to test it with the theme files:

  2. 10 years, 3 months ago jccgrp_jayg

    And that didn’t work either.

    Trying with a code block.

  3. 10 years, 3 months ago jccgrp_jayg

    And that didn’t work either.

    <?php if(function_exists ('the_views')) { the_views(); } ?>

    Trying with a bbcode code block.

  4. 10 years, 3 months ago jccgrp_jayg

    ok, finally, though the were changed to their html code.

  5. 10 years, 3 months ago jccgrp_jayg

    I give up, it just doesn’t like greater than/less than symbols, regardless of what’s between them. Wish the forum had a preview post, would have done all that before actually posting. Or a way to edit posts so I could put the bbcode block in the original and get rid of the following replies.

  6. 10 years, 3 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here


    This is unfortunately a known bug which we’ll be sure to fix in the next update. For now what you can do is go to Appearance > Editor and edit template-tags.php in the /inc/ folder.

    Replace line 405 with the following:

    'format' => ( $wp_rewrite->permalink_structure == '' || is_search() ) ? ( strpos(get_pagenum_link(false), '?') === false ? '?paged=%#%' : '&paged=%#%' ) : 'page/%#%/',

    Or just delete the forward slash that appears before page at the end of that line.

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