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Experiencing problems when activating a Seo plugin

Somewhere last week I finished my theme (built with the _s theme) and tried to install Yoast SEO. Immediately after refreshing my homepage, all the content on my homepage that I had put into the page builder (my custom widgets) wouldn’t appear anymore. Note that this only happens on the page set as my homepage.

Really weird in my opinion because a friend of mine has never experienced any difficulties between Yoast SEO and Siteorigin.

I tried debugging by deactivating all plugins etc. and I noticed whenever I turned off the Pagebuilder plugin but left the widget Plugin active the site would function like normal again. Only I couldn’t use the page builder anymore. Therefore I somewhat concluded there has to be a new conflict between Yoast SEO (I also tried All in one SEO, same problem) and the Siteorigin page builder Plugin…

I wouldn’t know where this problem therefore occurs. It could also still be something totally different, but as far as I know, my code checks out. I would appreciate the help since this is a business site and a good SEO would improve the website. Thanks in advance!

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  1. 3 years, 6 months ago Julian de Moor

    I want to add that I also found out that the “siteorigins-panel” class isn’t added to the HTML body element on the homepage. Probably the reason it doesn’t work. The “siteorigins-panel” class is added on every other page I use the page builder on.

    So isn’t siteorigins registering the use of the page builder on an assigned front page of a website when certain plugins are being used?

  2. 3 years, 6 months ago Julian de Moor

    Third add-on already, still trying to figure it out. I also came across the possibility of it being a PHP version problem. But since I’m on my localhost this is not that easy to update.

  3. 3 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Julian

    Thanks for reaching out.

    There aren’t currently any open/known issues between Yoast SEO or All in One SEO and SiteOrigin plugins.

    You can perhaps try confirming the conflict by activating only Page Builder by SiteOrigin, the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle, and Yoast SEO. If the issue persists with only those three plugins activated you can try temporarily switching to a default theme like Twenty Nineteen. If the issue resolves you should then have isolated to your theme. If you get this far you can also try generating a fresh copy of _s and activate it as your theme, that’ll let you know if there is something in your custom theme that’s causing the issue https://underscores.me/.

    If you’d like to shift to debugging you can check for console errors when the issue occurs in the WordPress admin https://wordpress.org/support/article/using-your-browser-to-diagnose-javascript-errors/#step-3-diagnosis. You can also enable PHP debugging to see if anything is printing to the log or screen https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-set-up-wordpress-error-logs-in-wp-config/.

  4. 3 years, 6 months ago Julian de Moor

    Thanks for your reply! I’ll try the theme switching, which I didn’t do yet!

  5. 3 years, 6 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Sounds good, let us know how it goes.

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