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Enabling sidebar on childtheme

Hi, I’m a beginner web-designer. I’m using a Vantage Premium theme, and had successfully creating a child theme. But, whichever theme (parent or child) I used, I couldn’t somehow show the sidebar widgets on the web. It does appear on the Widgets menu, however, it won’t appear on the webpage no matter how. Please guide me thoroughly on how to customise the php file or other files if necessary. If there’s any guide available online on how to customise sidebar, please inform me. Thank you so much.

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  1. 10 years, 2 months ago Antonio Samaranch

    I forgot to tell, since I’m using a shared hosting so I couldn’t access all the installation directory files (php and stuffs). please teach me how can I modify it. Thanks.

  2. 10 years, 2 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Atsuko

    Thanks for running Vantage.

    For the sidebar widgets to Appear you must be viewing a page using the Default page template. On each page you can select the page template from the right column drop down menu. Please check this has been done.

    If you still can’t resolve please send through a link to the site and I’ll take a look.

  3. 10 years, 2 months ago Antonio Samaranch

    Hi Andrew,

    I’m sorry I think i must have explained it wrongly. I can see the sidebar together with header and footer on the Appearance–Widgets submenu. But, no matter which widgets I put on the Sidebar, it won’t appear on the web. I heard about some coding on one of the php file to enable the sidebar. But, I’m not sure what coding and where should I typed it into. Your help is really appreciated.

    Here’s the link of the website: http://nova-itto.com

  4. 10 years, 2 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Your first explanation was spot on. I’m with you. Perhaps run through my first reply again, hopefully it will make more sense now.

    For example, you won’t get a sidebar on this page: http://nova-itto.com/tentang-kami/ because it’s running the Full Width page template. The other pages in your menu are running the same template.

  5. 10 years, 2 months ago Antonio Samaranch

    Now it works. I really appreciated your patience in guiding newbie like me. One last question, how can I modify the size of the sidebar on each page? Is it something related to CSS style? Please guide me or refer me to any links that could be helpful. Thank you so much for your help.

  6. 10 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    You can try adjusting the divs as follows:

    #primary {
    width: 71.287% !important;
    #secondary {
    width: 23.762% !important;

    Insert into Appearance > Custom CSS and adjust as required.

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