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Edits not saving / compatibility issue


I have a manipulated version of Page Builder and Widgets plugins that came with a theme that I purchased from themeforest.net (Lenard).

Many edits I make to pages using the Page Builder interface are not saving upon updating the changes. Sometimes the saved edits are even specific; for example, adding a Google Maps widget only saves the address while resetting the values of the height, zoom and API! Also, when I try switching to the normal WP editor and switching again to Page Builder tab, all content is lost at this moment.

I suspect it’s a WP compatibility issue, because when I used the latest WP version (2.5.3) the Page Builder didn’t work at all, then I went down to WP 2.4.x and Page Builder works now but it doesn’t save every change as I explained above.

Maybe you could let me which version of WP I should use with the plugins I have? The ones Have are Page Builder 2.1 and Widgets 1.2.1.

1. I already tried disabling all other plugins and using Twenty Fourteen theme and nothing got fixed.
2. I tried installing the latest versions of Page Builder and Widgets plugins but then I lose all the styles of the theme I purchased – that’s why they have them manipulated I guess!

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  1. 8 years, 2 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Amir,

    SiteOrigin Page Builder 2.1 is, as you suspected, not compatible with WordPress 4.5. SiteOrigin Page Builder version 2.3.2 was the version that introduced compatibility with WordPress 4.5. I cannot give you an exact WordPress version as I’m unfamiliar with any major compatibility issues with the version you’re using and WordPress 4.4. Thus I suspect some of the changes they’ve made has introduced compatibility issues.

    I also you really shouldn’t have to use outdated software just to use your theme. I would recommend asking your theme developers to rectify this by updating their fork (a version based on our code but not actively developed by us) or by interfacing with our plugins directly (which would likely remove the need for their fork).

  2. 8 years, 2 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Amir,

    Oh there is one thing I can help you with though – you cannot switch tabs without “losing data”. I used quotes as you’re technically not losing data, you’re reverting back to the standard interface (ie. not using Page Builder anymore). This ideally shouldn’t be done unless you don’t plan on using SiteOrigin Page Builder anymore on that page.

    This is communicated better in the more reason versions (especially the hiding of the other tabs).

  3. 8 years, 2 months ago Amir Yousry


    Thanks a lot for your answer. Unfortunately the theme makers are not helpful or responsive at all, so my only hope is that you could tell me which version of WP is compatible with Page Builder 2.1. Otherwise I’ll just go on and get another theme and try to get a refund for the one I have from these makers.

    Thank you very much anyway – I know it’s not your problem as long as they’re forcing the theme to use their fork.

  4. 8 years, 2 months ago Private Message - Alex S Hi, I Work Here

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  5. 8 years, 2 months ago Private Message - Amir Yousry

    This is a private message.

  6. 8 years, 2 months ago Andy Turnbull

    I have exactly the same issue with another fork (Mero by UX-QOde), is there anything I can do to revert to using the vanilla version without breaking everything?

    • 8 years, 2 months ago Alex S
      Hi, I Work Here

      Hi Andy,

      I’m sorry about the fork mate. :(

      It typically depends on how much the author has adjusted directly through plugin edits and how much they’ve done through the proper channels. I would recommend giving it a try and seeing how it goes – it might be very light edits or they might have done a fork to “lock” it at that version of SiteOrigin Page Builder. Please ensure that you don’t have the forked version of SiteOrigin Page Builder enabled when you try the main version or your site will error.

      As always, be sure to do a backup.

      • 8 years, 2 months ago Private Message - Andy Turnbull

        This is a private message.

        • 8 years, 2 months ago Alex S
          Hi, I Work Here

          Hi Andy,

          1.5.3 is a very old version of SiteOrigin Page Builder. We’re currently at 2.4.10, 2.3.1 being the oldest version compatible with WordPress 4.5. For reference, 1.5.3 was released sometime late 2014.

  7. 8 years, 2 months ago Andy Turnbull

    Many thanks Alex, the support I’m currently receiving is dreadful so I may have no option

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