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Default template with no title


Fierst of all, I bought Vantage Premium last month and i’m very very happy with it, congratulations for the fantastic theme.

Ok, now my questions. I tried to remove the page titles and i saw these two Threads:

1) https://siteorigin.com/thread/page-titles-and-leave-a-reply-vantage-premium-with-sitebuilder/

In this one if I put the code into my custom CSS it delete my page titles but my post titles too and i don’ t find a way to only remove the page titles.

2) https://siteorigin.com/thread/template-for-page-with-sidebar-without-title/

In this one I installed the template and the idea was perfect, becuase it was really what i needed, but the problem is that if i put the default page, no title, the titles are gone (perfect), but the sidebar is down the page. Is like full widht page and then sidebar under it.

I don’t know if i’m doing something wrong or just the template is not well configurated.

One last question, very quick, is possible to link a featured image to make it bigger? I want, for example in my homepage, first click to featured image go to the post (so is now) and then in the post click on the image and make it bigger.

Thank you very much for the amazing work and for this incredible support, i have resolve many issues reading the other posts.

Best regards,


URL: http://thetradingway.com

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  1. 9 years, 8 months ago Marcel K.


    copy that into CustomCSS:

    body.page .entry-title {

    Hope that will help you with your first question.

  2. 9 years, 8 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Victor

    Thanks for reaching out and for your support.

    Marcel, thanks for hopping on here.

    Ok so with Pages Vantage has Full Width, No Page Title so we’re sorted with Full Width, but it’s missing a Default, No Page Title template.

    We could handle this with CSS, let’s try:

    /* Hide Page Titles on Default Page Templates */
    .page-template-default .entry-header { display: none; }

    It’s unfortunately, at this stage, not possible to link featured images to the image without some custom development and a child theme. Sorry I don’t have more there.

  3. 9 years, 8 months ago vicmon2

    Thank you very much Markel and Andrew for your quick help.

    I tried both codes, but the problem is still there. If i write the codes with CSS eliminates the title of the page and the titles of the posts too…

    I have seen that the child theme of post NÂș2 ( Thread: Template for “Page with SideBar without Title” works good in all my pages less in my home page.

    I just deleted the name of my home page and is ok now, it shows no title and in the other pages works the “default page, no title” template ;)

    Is there any problem not to have a title in the homepage? Maybe for Seo purposes or something?

    Thank you very much for the help!!

    Shame on the featured images to make them bigger :(

    Best regards,


  4. 9 years, 8 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Ahh right I see the problem.

    Sorry if we’ve covered this, have you perhaps tried this child theme yet?


    It’ll add a new page template to choose from. You can then use Page Builder and the Post Loop widget to add your blog on the chosen page.

    Child themes are installed as a ZIP from Appearance > Themes > Add New: Upload Theme. Test it out. If it works you’ll then need to redo Customizer, Menu and Widgets settings, an expected side effect of activating a child theme.

    It’s not a big problem leaving out the title on the home page.

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