Home>Support>“Customize” font change workaround

“Customize” font change workaround

I have WordPress 4.1 with Vantage Premium 2.3.1
When I “Customize” > “Fonts”, they are not saved or previewed if non-default font weight is specified.
For example “Open Sans” is OK but “Open Sans (300)” is no good.

I have traced the error to this file –

line 254:
function siteorigin_customizer_sanitize_google_font($font){
$google_fonts = include( dirname(__FILE__).’/google-fonts.php’ );
// –problem line, comment it out as a temp workaround– // if( empty($google_fonts[$font]) ) $font = ”;
return $font;

I should fix the “include( dirname(__FILE__).’/google-fonts.php’ )” to return the correct value instead, but I wanted to share this ASAP hoping it will help you too.


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  1. 9 years, 7 months ago oldasdirtuser

    (hope you don’t mind … i am saving this as reference since my customize >fonts
    is also non-responsive)

  2. 9 years, 7 months ago chiefprogrammer

    “//” in front of line 256 in
    would fix it for now

    function siteorigin_customizer_sanitize_google_font($font){
     $google_fonts = include( dirname(__FILE__).’/google-fonts.php’ );
     // if( empty($google_fonts[$font]) ) $font = ”;
    return $font;
  3. 9 years, 7 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi chiefprogrammer,

    Thanks so much for letting us know about this issue. I really appreciate it. I’ve logged the issue. We’ll get an update out as soon as possible.

  4. 9 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Quick update here.

    Braam, our developer, has resolved the issue. Apologies again for the hassle and thanks for giving us a head start on resolving chiefprogrammer.

    Greg will push out an update very soon.

  5. 9 years, 7 months ago chiefprogrammer

    You are welcome Greg and thank you Andrew. Page Builder is awesome!

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