Home>Support>Custom Column widths no longer available when creating a row

Custom Column widths no longer available when creating a row

Has something changed with the row width options based on number of columns? I only see two options available if I choose 2 columns, 50% and 50% or 25% and 75%.

If I choose 3 columns, same thing, only 3 layouts available. Before with this plugin we could choose different column percentages.

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  1. 8 months, 5 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Ken,

    Thanks for getting in touch. We’ve simplified the Column Resize Ratio area as we found people found the area confusing. We’ve replaced the previous field with popular common sizes for the current number of columns. This will allow you to more easily resize your cells more predictably. If you find a specific ratio you would like to be present missing, let me know and we’ll see if we can include it in an update and/or I’ll provide you with a snippet to add it.

    It’s possible to resize columns manually by clicking the cell percentage amount and altering it, or by dragging the cell divider to resize cells. We’ll be releasing an update shortly that communicates these areas better overall.

    Kind regards,

  2. 8 months, 5 days ago ken3883

    HI Alex,

    Ok, I didn’t realize we could drag the column widths. Thanks!

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