Home>Support>Could you hlp with the internal issue please?

Could you hlp with the internal issue please?

Hi, my pages randomly went blank with a white gap on some of the blocks (the features) and on one where I have a post carousel, it simply isn’t there, I spoke with my service provider and the issue isn’t on their end. I can see the pages as I did them when I click on “edit” but when I click on “preview” or “publish”, its missing blocks. This is an internal issue on your plugin. Could you please help me? I have screenshots of the pages I’m having the problem with. The website is called lindymonse.com

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  1. 4 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Lindy

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Try temporarily deactivating all plugins not authored by SiteOrigin. Does the issue resolve in that state?

  2. 4 years, 7 months ago lindymonse

    Hi, i did this and it remains the same. So i reactivated it.

  3. 4 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for the update. Try repeating the test but this time also switch to a default theme like Twenty Nineteen. Temporarily deactivate all plugins not authored by SiteOrigin and switch to a default theme like Twenty Nineteen. Does the issue persist in this state?

  4. 4 years, 7 months ago lindymonse

    Yes, the issue remains. So i went back to my Theme

  5. 4 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks. Please, take a screenshot of the issue in the WordPress admin, upload to imgur.com or similar and send us the link.

  6. 4 years, 7 months ago lindymonse

    This is happening to different pages, where I have a post carousel, it simply isn’t there, I spoke with my service provider and the issue isn’t on their end. I can see the pages as I did them when I click on “edit” but when I click on “preview” or “publish”, its missing blocks. Its on 3 pages……. Basic concepts, Borrowed Analogies, and prayer.

  7. 4 years, 7 months ago lindymonse

    The problem is not just on those pages because I tried adding a carousel to another page and it failed.

  8. 4 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks. It looks like from your screenshot that the content is in a Classic block. If that’s meant to be a SiteOrigin Layout Block, it needs to render as a Layout Block in the Block Editor. It looks like the Layout Block contents have been dumped into a Classic Block. I’m not sure of the sequence of events that lead to this, I’ll need to think about how to resolve it.

  9. 4 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    A possible sequence of events is:

    * Create a layout in the Block Editor using the SiteOrigin Layout Block.
    * Enable the Classic Editor plugin and edit the page in question.
    * The page is now in the Classic Editor, you then click on the Page Builder tab forcing the Block Editor content into an Editor widget.
    * Disable the Classic Editor plugin and then re-open the page, now the page is in the Block Editor. The content is now in a SiteOrigin Editor widget which gets forced into a Classic Block.

    If you know when this happened then the easiest would be to roll your site back, assuming you have site backup. If you don’t, take a site backup now as you might need to restore to this point.

    To try restoring the page in question, Basic Concepts, you’ll need to try and reverse the steps I’ve outlined above.

    1. Go to Plugins, activate the Classic Editor plugin, if it isn’t installed, install it.
    2. Edit the Basic Concepts page, click on the Text tab. Isolate the SiteOrigin Layout Block source code, assuming there weren’t other blocks around the SiteOrigin Layout Block. If there weren’t other blocks around, you should just be left with in the Text tab:

    <!-- wp:siteorigin-panels/layout-block {"panelsData":{"widgets":[{"features":[{"container_color":"#404040","container_position":"top","icon":"","icon_title":"","icon_color":"#FFFFFF","icon_image":2474,"icon_image_size":"full","title":"Who is the Holy Spirit?","text":"","text_selected_editor":"tinymce","more_text":"","more_url":"https://lindymonse.com/who-is-the-holy-spirit/"},{"container_color":"#ffffff","container_position":"top","icon":"","icon_title":"","icon_color":"#FFFFFF","icon_image":2692,"icon_image_size":"full","title":"What does the Holy Spirit Do?","text":"","text_selected_editor":"tinymce","more_text":"","more_url":"https://lindymonse.com/what-does-the-holy-spirit-do/"},{"container_color":"#404040","container_position":"top","icon":"","icon_title":"","icon_color":"#FFFFFF","icon_image":207,"icon_image_size":"full","title":"Religion vs Spirituality","text":"","text_selected_editor":"tinymce","more_text":"","more_url":"https://lindymonse.com/religion-vs-spirituality-comparison/"},{"container_color":"#404040","container_position":"top","icon":"","icon_title":"","icon_color":"#FFFFFF","icon_image":2045,"icon_image_size":"full","title":"Ways to see GOD","text":"","text_selected_editor":"tinymce","more_text":"","more_url":"https://lindymonse.com/finding-god/"},{"container_color":"#404040","container_position":"top","icon":"","icon_title":"","icon_color":"#FFFFFF","icon_image":1632,"icon_image_size":"full","title":"Church vs World","text":"","text_selected_editor":"tinymce","more_text":"","more_url":"https://lindymonse.com/church-vs-world/"},{"container_color":"#404040","container_position":"top","icon":"","icon_title":"","icon_color":"#FFFFFF","icon_image":2047,"icon_image_size":"full","title":"God is Not Real","text":"","text_selected_editor":"tinymce","more_text":"","more_url":"https://lindymonse.com/god-not-real-true-false-confrontation/"},{"container_color":"#404040","container_position":"top","icon":"","icon_title":"","icon_color":"#FFFFFF","icon_image":1606,"icon_image_size":"full","title":"Peolple say no to Church","text":"","text_selected_editor":"tinymce","more_text":"","more_url":"https://lindymonse.com/people-say-no-church/"},{"container_color":"#404040","container_position":"top","icon":"","icon_title":"","icon_color":"#FFFFFF","icon_image":753,"icon_image_size":"full","title":"Spiritual Veterans ","text":"","text_selected_editor":"tinymce","more_text":"","more_url":"https://lindymonse.com/veterans/"},{"container_color":"#404040","container_position":"top","icon":"","icon_title":"","icon_color":"#FFFFFF","icon_image":2050,"icon_image_size":"full","title":"The Enemy","text":"","text_selected_editor":"tinymce","more_text":"","more_url":"https://lindymonse.com/the-enemy/"}],"fonts":{"title_options":{"font":"default","size":false,"size_unit":"px","color":false,"so_field_container_state":"open"},"text_options":{"font":"default","size":"20px","size_unit":"px","color":false,"so_field_container_state":"open"},"more_text_options":{"font":"default","size":false,"size_unit":"px","color":"#000000","so_field_container_state":"closed"},"so_field_container_state":"closed"},"container_shape":"rounded-square","container_size":"200px","container_size_unit":"px","icon_size":"200px","icon_size_unit":"px","icon_size_custom":true,"per_row":3,"responsive":true,"title_link":true,"icon_link":true,"new_window":true,"_sow_form_id":"4235274785cdb1704be006268487303","_sow_form_timestamp":"1579324906969","panels_info":{"class":"SiteOrigin_Widget_Features_Widget","grid":0,"cell":0,"id":0,"widget_id":"3b98a8c4-b2d9-406d-a87b-4383bca1ee06","style":{"background_image_attachment":false,"background_display":"tile"}}}],"grids":[{"cells":1,"style":[]}],"grid_cells":[{"grid":0,"index":0,"weight":1,"style":[]}]}} /-->

    Save the page and then deactivate the Classic Editor plugin. The SiteOrigin Layout Block should now be editable in the Block Editor.

  10. 4 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    If you have the Classic Editor plugin setup to allow you to open any page in either editor then you’ll need to adjust my instructions to compensate for that. Instead of enabling the Classic Editor you’d open the page in the Classic Editor via the link provided when viewing the Pages list.

  11. 4 years, 7 months ago lindymonse

    It worked perfectly. My question now is…. do i leave the classic edit plugin? What do i use to edit from now on?

  12. 4 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Glad to hear you’re making progress. Whether you use the Classic or Block Editor is up to you. If you want to migrate Page Builder Layout Blocks from the Block Editor to the Classic Editor, see the steps below.

    To work with Page Builder in the Classic Editor you’d need to manually export the layout from the Block Editor to the Classic Editor. When opening the page in the Block Editor, open the SiteOrigin Layout BlockLayoutsImport/ExportDownload Layout.. With the JSON file on your desktop, open the same page in the Classic Editor, clear the contents in the Text tab then click on the Page Builder tab and repeat the steps, LayoutsImport/Export but this time import the JSON layout file.

  13. 4 years, 7 months ago lindymonse

    I don’t know what you mean by migrate from one to the other. All i want to do is edit. So is the classic editor necessary for site origin? Can i just remove it or do i need it installed and activated? Does the plugin giv rd you ghr option th o convert an image to a circle or a square? Because i remember this option but i don’t see it ac anymore. I actually only saw it when i had the issue.

  14. 4 years, 7 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    You can either work in the Block Editor or the Classic Editor, it’s up to you which interface you’d prefer to use. If you’d prefer to work in the Classic Editor then you’d keep the Classic Editor plugin and would need to migrate Block Editor containing a SiteOrigin Layout Block into the classic interface as outlined in my previous reply. If you want to use the Block Editor then you don’t need the Classic Editor plugin.

    The SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle doesn’t contain a dedicated widget to change image shape. Some widgets like the Testimonials widget allow for images to be displayed as a square or a circle.

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