Home>Support>Content Not updated through SiteOrigin Page Builder

Content Not updated through SiteOrigin Page Builder

WordPress v.4.6.`
Mac OS 10.11.6
Theme: Minimaze Pro by Thinkupthemes (paid version)
Plugin: Page Builder by SiteOrigin (ThinkUpThemes compatible) v.2.4.4
Browser: Chrome (default), Firefox, and Safari

All installed plugins are up-to-date.

The changes I am making to my site within individual pages, menu structure, and internal links show up on the site while I am logged in. As soon as I log out they disappear, not only on my system but on remote systems, iPhones, etc., in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. If I log in again to WordPress they appear on the page until I log out.

I have consulted my web host. They seem to feel that it is a conflict between Page Builder and another plugin. I deactivated ALL of the plugins, including PB, and the problem still persisted.

I then deactivated all EXCEPT PB, and the problem still persisted.

I then deactivated PB only, the problem still persisted.

I am not certain this is PB, but I am going on the advice of my web host support and contacting you for assistance.

This site is my livliehood – I recently canceled one workshop and changed the dates on another. I did not become aware of the problem until I received registrations for the canceled workshop. As of this moment the workshop is still showing as active and each registration makes me look like I don’t know what I’m doing.

I would appreciate any assistance you can give.

Thank you.

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  1. 7 years, 11 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Sanchell,

    This honestly sounds like a caching issue. Do you happen to have a cache plugin installed? If so, try disabling it through the plugin. Deactivating a cache plugin will not prevent the caching from occuring. Also, check with your host to ensure there isn’t a server side cache in place.

    If this isn’t the case, try temporarily disabling the forked version (a version based on our code but not developed by us) of SiteOrigin Page Builder you’re using and then installing the main version. You will not be able to edit your layouts and during this time your layouts will look a tad weird – this is to be expected. The important thing to see if the output is displaying the most recent edits. If it’s not, remove the main version and revert to the forked version. If it is however displaying the most recent version, contact your theme provider and report this issue.

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