Home>Support>Blog overview images 2:3 not 1:1
  1. 9 years, 13 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Sascha

    I think the small featured image size is just using the image size being set as your thumbnail at Settings > Media. 150 x 150. From there it’s being reduced to fit in a 11% odd wide column.

    So, not really an easy change as we’d need to adjust CSS and then potentially the featured image size and the regen the images.

    Try the following at Appearance > Custom CSS:

    /* Small Featured Image */
    article.post.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-thumbnail, article.page.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-thumbnail {
        width: 11.68%;
    article.post.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-main, article.page.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-main {
    	width: 84.41%;

    Whatever you add to the first value you need to add to the second.

    If you want to change the crop point of the thumbnail image you’d need to use:


    Couple things happening here. Try the CSS first, we’ll go from there.

  2. 9 years, 13 days ago Sascha Drömer

    Okay, that works.

    The picture is of course now too small. From the size I had like 20% (width). For this purpose, the text needs to be shifted to the right but continue. How do I do that?

    Thanks for your help.

  3. 9 years, 12 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    The image will increase in size if you adjust the percentages. It looks like the values are the same as default in your Custom CSS. Did you try increasing the image percentage and decreasing the text percentage? Example:

    /* Small Featured Image */
    article.post.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-thumbnail, article.page.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-thumbnail {
        width: 16.68%;
    article.post.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-main, article.page.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-main {
    	width: 79.41%;
  4. 9 years, 12 days ago Sascha Drömer

    I changed 16.68% in 20%. The image size is now okay. The text is now but not next to it. It is now under the picture.

    Screenshoot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12684660/PS1.jpg

    That is the problem. Do you have a solution?

  5. 9 years, 12 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Whatever is added to the first percentage must be subtracted from the second.

    /* Small Featured Image */
    article.post.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-thumbnail, article.page.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-thumbnail {
        width: 20%;
    article.post.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-main, article.page.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-main {
    	width: 76.09%;

    Make sense? That’s why we’re using two CSS rules here. One for the image, one for the text.

  6. 9 years, 12 days ago Sascha Drömer

    Perfekt, that work fine

  7. 9 years, 12 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Super, glad to hear that did the trick.

    All the best.

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