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Baseline: Featuring some problems

By abladb, 7 years ago. Last reply by abladb, 7 years ago.

Hi guys,

First of all, thank you for creating a great theme, pluggins and widgets. Let’s recommend how to make them better:

As general issues, please let us add images to our comments for letting you know better what we mean when we talk about anything we have seen. To set an URL is good in some cases; when working at a local server is not good. Last, sorry if my english is not perfect; my spanish is, haha. Ok, let’s start:

– I have notice at your Contact Form widget set at your Contact page that reCaptcha is not responsive. When I work on a full computer window it is big, as much as when it is on a mobile size. That’s not good.

– I would like to suggest you guys to give us the option to set the reCaptcha on the right side of the Contact Us button. We loose less space there, but keeping in mind that on mobile devices it should be before the button.

– Regarding to the responsive size of the reCaptcha container, please, do it as well as the Widget’s because it gets bigger/smaller when I move the window’s size. Actually recaptcha has only two working sizes. I am sure you can change that.

– Regarding to the responsive size of the elements, I would like to suggest it on all the element widgets, not only on yours but regarding to the theme too (to be applied to other brands widgets) because this is not good for you, and neither for us. Let me give you some examples:

+ at the main menu, using theme’s menu, when I reduced by hand the window, the principal links get reduced but the secondary links (the ones under them) does not. Their fonts remain at the same size while their container border tells us: Hey, something is going wrong here.

+ I am using others featuring widget in my home page, and it looks fabulous on a computer window size but at a tablet size it is a total disaster. Each feature is way bigger than using a computer size window. I know you cannot do anything for others widgets, but these that I use are based on SiteOrigen Page Builder, so… they are based on you, and I think the responsive code lines should be applied to all the row and column containers.

+ Please, go foward and try to make the responsive size bigger than the computer size window. Future goes to TV size windows too. If you are 2m apart from the TV, font sizes, containers and everything is way to small.

Last for today, I have a question. I would like to know if you can recommend me any widget where I can put a search object on my home page that reffers to a google maps widget in another page (of my project, of course) with and it gives the results (taken from my database) after pressing the search button. I don’t know if I explained correctly; If someone wants to know HOW MANY ()AND WHERE) registered persons at my webpage are around a location in google maps, that person will put the name of the city and on another page it will show it. It would be great if I can play with various filters too. And, I know I need the API of google maps, but… do you know if I need the standard or the professional, and if I need other Keys for mobile use?

Thank you so far.

PS: I know I have some more questions, but these are today’s.

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  1. 7 years, 7 months ago abladb

    Oh, sorry, I forgot to add the possibility of changing reCaptcha’s background. It is light grey now. If we can choose the background color of everything, why we can’t from this element?

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