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Animated widget

Hi, I sent you these questions/requests two days ago by e-mail but never got the answer so I’ll write a post here instead.
I’m trying to make a nice page footer using widgets in Vantage Premium.

I like the animated image widget which I have used to add the company logo. Sadly there is no alignment option.
The logo is so tiny but widget unfortunately eats 50% width and is aligned to the left.
I added a second widget (text) for company address and it floats to the right – and then I have this huge 450px hole between the logo and the address.

I want to bring them close together. Easy solution would be making the animated image widget right aligned… but (!)

…here comes my wish #1:
What I would want the most is a new widget containing 1 animated image and 5 text rows (1 headline, 4 body text rows) next to it?
It would be sweet if the text could be brought in with animation too. Slide in graphic logo from left, slide in text from right.

Wish #2:
The header. It seems like I can choose between a large logo above the nav bar or have a smaller logo inside the nav bar.
Could I have the large logo when scrolling to the top, and when user is scrolling past the large logo and navigation menu sticks on top – a smaller logo is animated into the nav bar?

/ Linus

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  1. 10 years, 3 months ago Linus

    I have customized this CSS code.

    #footer-widgets .widget_origin_animated-image {
    text-align: right;

    It will affect all animated image widgets in the footer, but I think I will only have one anyways.

    However, looking at the page in a tablet gives me animated image to the right in one row, address text to the left on another row because widgets are divided.

  2. 10 years, 3 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Linus

    Sorry about that. We’re don’t have an email queue that goes back further than yesterday so I’m not sure what happened there. You’re welcome to try email again if you’d like – the forum is good too.

    If you want to use the Logo in Menu masthead option but want to control the size of your logo you can use the following under Appearance > Custom CSS to remove the image constraint:

    /* Remove Logo in Menu image constraint */
    header#masthead.masthead-logo-in-menu .logo > img {
    max-height: none !important;

    Both of your requests are noted but would unfortunately be custom development work at this stage. If you do ever require an estimate on such a task we recommend https://codeable.io/.

    The footer will automatically divide into columns as widgets are added, so the first widget added will be in column one, the second, column two and onward.

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