
Login/register link on home page

By Rah Yuliantoro, 8 years ago
Hi, I’m using Vantage theme to build my online learning website. I like it. But after some modification and setups, I just realized that there is no login/register link on the home page. Am I missing something? a setting? What should I do to have the link on the menu bar, maybe just on the…

Template customization: sidebar and archive title

By Rah Yuliantoro, 8 years ago
Hi, 1. I want to remove the word “Category Archives:” on the display page of post category. Where can I find the file to change that? https://www.dropbox.com/s/ltoqhtpx4insip2/Screenshot%202016-07-08%2000.08.58.JPG?dl=0 2. I have managed to move the sidebar to the left on normal view by changing the #primary and #secondary floats. But when seeing at smaller screen (where…

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