
Pasting Javascript into a Wiget (Page builder)

By brez, 8 years ago. Last reply by Kristin Reinbach, 8 years ago
Hi, I’m trying to embed some Shopify button’s in my pagebuilder layout – with the HTML/Text widget I paste in my Shopify embed code that includes some HTML and a bit of Javascript ( tags) at the end. However, when I save the page and preview it live, I don’t see my Shopify button… just…

Lining up images

By alexeck, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 8 years ago
Hello SiteOrigin peeps! First, thank you for a WONDERFUL plug-in. I have a wee bit of a problem. If you look at www.meros.io/features, toward the bottom, the images for Slack, Zapier, etc. are not lined up. I could do some goofy tricks to manually line them up, but I’m worried as to how they’ll look…

Glitch when loading a full-screen row

By alexeck, 8 years ago
Hi folks, If you go to the home or features pages at the site, you'll notice it initially loads with a standard row width, then expands to the full stretched row. I only see this with Siteorigin widgets - not on the other pages, where I'm not using SO. Any suggestions to force the page…

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