
SiteOrigin Editor – No text colour palette & ignoring editor styles

By Monio Design, 7 years ago. Last reply by Monio Design, 7 years ago
Hi, I've just installed Page Builder on a fresh new site and it appears the SiteOrigin Editor widget is not displaying the text colour palette: However in the normal page editor it works: It's a fresh install running the Twenty Seventeen theme, all other plugins disabled. I've also noticed it doesn't pull through the editor…

Row Padding issue in v2.4.23

By Monio Design, 7 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 years ago
Hi, After upgrading to v2.4.23 I have noticed that with any row that I haven't entered in padding settings it automatically sets it as 0px 0px 60px 0px. As soon as I enter anything in there, even 0px 0px 0px 0px it overrides it but any rows without a setting take this 60px bottom padding…

Local Backup/Notice Error

By Monio Design, 8 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 years ago
Ever since the last update of Page Builder (possibly since the last WordPress update) I’ve noticed the local save notice being shown constantly whilst editing pages through Page Builder. I’ve tried dismissing it, updating the page but it’s still insisting that there’s an unsaved/newer/different version there. Is it possible Page Builder isn’t updating or clearing…

Page Builder Background Image & IE10

By Monio Design, 9 years ago. Last reply by Monio Design, 9 years ago
I’m having some issues with the background images of Page Builder rows within IE10. I’ve been through the source code to check everything is alright (which it appears to be) but for some reason IE10 doesn’t display the row background images correctly. For example, from the source code of the page it’s generated the following:…

Widget causing Javascript Conflicts in editor

By Monio Design, 9 years ago
Hi all! I’m developing a plugin for my client that allows them very simply insert a Metaslider slideshow into the layout. I know they could quite easily insert the shortcode into a visual editor but I wanted to make it just that bit quicker and easier to just drop a new widget in and select…

Page Builder requires browser refresh to see layout

By Monio Design, 8 years ago
I'm having an issue on one of the sites I'm building, something that I have seen before on other sites but never this bad. When I save a page where the layout has been done in Page Builder, it refreshes and then I just see the text view rather than the Page Builder view. This…

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