Home>Pitch Documentation>Theme Settings

Theme Settings

With Pitch, I tried to keep the number of options you have to fiddle with to a minimum. Wherever possible we made the best choice for you in terms of site speed, SEO and best practices. Navigate to Appearance > Theme Settings.

General Settings

These settings define the general running of your site. Each setting has a description to let you know what it does.

If you’re a premium user, you can also disable the text that says “Powered By WordPress, Theme By SiteOrigin” in the footer.

Front Page

These settings change how your front page looks. This allows you to enable or disable the portfolio home page and specify the call to action information. If you want to remove the call to action from your homepage, just edit the call to action text to a blank string.

Project Page

This lets you enable or disable features for the project post type.

Post Types

If you aren’t going to be using any of the custom post types that Pitch comes with, you can disable them here. This will remove their entries from your admin sidebar giving you a more streamlined admin.

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