
Projects are a great way to show off the stuff you’re working on in Pitch.

To add a new project, navigate to Projects > Add New.

You can enter a title, some content as well as an excerpt for your project. Pitch displays your excerpt on the page itself.

The skills block lets you categorize your project based on the skills you used to complete the project. Some examples are web design, illustration or logo design. But you can enter what ever you want.

Pitch supports 3 different project types. You can have a single image, a gallery or, if you’ve purchased Pitch Premium, a video.

To add images to your project, click the upload/insert button and upload one or more images. If you add more than one image it’ll display as a gallery.

To decide the order of your gallery, click on the gallery tab in WordPress’ media browser. Make sure all the images are minimized by clicking hide, then drag images up or down.

When you’re done, click save changes.

Pitch uses a project’s featured image to represent that project in the archive pages. So make sure you select a featured image.

If you’ve purchased Pitch Premium, you can enter a video URL in Project Video block. This will automatically embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo and countless other video sharing sites.

The final step is to press publish. Your new project will now show up on your site.

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