Home>Site Packs>Baseline
Download Site Pack
  • Theme: North
  • Created: September 20, 2016
  • By: Ian Rossiter
A SiteOrigin Site Pack is a WordPress plugin that automatically installs the theme, plugins and content you need for a full website. Install it by navigating to Plugins > Add New, then upload the ZIP file.

We have a Site Pack tutorial if you need more detailed help.

Baseline Video Guide

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Baseline is a business focused prebuilt website designed for smaller to medium size businesses.

Baseline is a business focused prebuilt website designed for smaller to medium size businesses, offering that personal touch. Baseline uses SiteOrigin’s North Theme and comes complete with six prebuilt pages including a blog. We built each page using SiteOrigin’s Page Builder, Widgets Bundle, and CSS Editor plugins. The home page features a slider with “call to action” buttons, a comprehensive services section, project showcase, testimonials and our clients section.

Other pages include About Us, Our Process, Terms of Service, and a Contact page with a google map. Each page is easy to edit, and we have gone one step further and created an accompanying tutorial video taking you through the step by step process of uploading the Baseline Site Pack on to your own WordPress installation and replacing all the content. If you have all your content ready, you can have a brand new website up and running in just a few hours.

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