Home>Site Packs>Consultant
Download Site Pack
  • Theme: North
  • Created: January 31, 2017
  • By: Ian Rossiter
A SiteOrigin Site Pack is a WordPress plugin that automatically installs the theme, plugins and content you need for a full website. Install it by navigating to Plugins > Add New, then upload the ZIP file.

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Consultant is a fully functional pre-built consultancy website catering for the first time entrepreneur or well established consultancy. Consultant is bold, with an emphasis on details.

If you are looking to start your own consultancy business or simply give your existing consultancy website a fresh start, then Consultant is the perfect Site Pack for you. Consultant is a fully functional pre-built consultancy website catering for the first time entrepreneur or well established consultancy firm. Consultant is bold, with an emphasis on details.

Consultant uses SiteOrigin’s North Theme and the whole website is made possible using our Page Builder, Widgets Bundle, and CSS Editor plugins. The home page features a single slider with bold overlay text to engage your customers and give them a little insight into your business. While the services section allows you to explain to your customers the full range of services you offer.

You can show off some of your achievements with a few stats like satisfied clients and awards won, and display some happy customer comments with the testimonials carousel. A post grid gives readers quick access to your latest blog posts and allows them to filter by category. Consultant’s get in touch section offers a fully customizable contact form where you can additional fields, including dropdown selects and checkboxes, to suite your specific needs.

The home page is easy to edit and if you have all your content ready, you can have a brand new consultancy website up and running in just a few hours.

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