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Flexible Video Content with Focus

Focus is our video orientated theme and with version 1.3.1 we’re bringing you some exciting improvements and new features. Thanks to everyone who have given feedback and suggestions, we hope you like the changes.

Notable Additions

  • Posts Slider and Thumbnail Grid post loop templates.
  • Full Width – No Title page template.
  • Page setting that allows the first Page Builder row to be moved into the header.
  • Next/previous navigation icons added to the post video header.
  • Customizer setting to change search and post navigation icons.

New Layouts Now Possible

Previously, it wasn’t possible to recreate the default Focus home page layout on other pages. The above additions now make this possible. On any page, you can click on the Page Builder tab, insert two rows and insert a Post Loop widget into each row. In the first Post Loop widget, select the Posts Slider template and in the second row, select the Thumbnail Grid template. Finally, select the Full Width – No Title page template and enable the Focus Header option in the right column to move the first Page Builder row into the header. If this all sounds a bit complicated, not to worry, our short video should help.

The Post Loop widget has a query builder that allows the selection of post categories and many other attributes. The new loop templates will allow category specific landing pages to be constructed with ease.

The Posts Slider and Thumbnail Grid templates being used in Page Builder.

The Posts Slider and Thumbnail Grid templates being used in Page Builder.

Post Navigation Arrows

Next/previous navigation arrows can now be found in the post header. This should make the adjacent posts easier to access and hopefully, improve page views.


New Customizer Settings

Want to make your Focus your own with a custom search and post navigation icons? AppearanceCustomizeTheme SettingsIcons has the new settings waiting.

Search and post navigation icons are now customizable.

Search and post navigation icons are now customizable.

Ready for SiteOrigin Premium

If you’re using our new SiteOrigin Premium plugin, you’ll be able to remove the attribution link in the footer and add Ajax comments to your site for a smoother commenting experience.

Updated Documentation

Focus documentation has been refreshed. We’ve also included short videos for the following topics:

Setting up the home page
Creating a video post
Using the Post Loop widget and new loop templates
The basics of integration with s2Member plugin

If there are any Focus related features that you’d like to see covered in more detail, please, let us know in the comments below.

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  1. 7 years, 9 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    If you have any questions or feedback about the new features in Focus, let us know here. Thanks :)

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