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WPML and repeater issue

I noticed some issue with repeater functionality when using WPML. I saw https://siteorigin.com/page-builder/using-page-builder-wpml/ here an instruction so I was sure that PageBuilder is compatible with WPML, but when I’m trying to expand and contract repeater item it dosent work. When I deactive WPML plugin everything is fine. Also fields from repeated item are overflowing other elements like submit button. It’s kind of serious issue.

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  1. 9 years, 16 days ago Łukasz Ziaja

    As I cant edit my thread I need to reply my own thread. I found out that we get jQuery UI error (as we can see on this screenshot: https://d2salfytceyqoe.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/697297-bug.png). Its similar to this bug with event manager (related topic: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/jquery-ui-dialog-related-bug) and the answer in that topic was “I’ve just reviewed our code regarding dialogs, and if the problem is because we enqueue jQuery UI Dialog, then it’s likely there’s a JS bug in SiteOrigin’s side of things, because we’re enqueueing it the WP way.” Also I asked this question on WPML support board, waiting for answer.

  2. 9 years, 15 days ago Braam Genis
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Łukasz Ziaja

    We need more testers like you. :)

    Thanks so much for reporting and the investigation you’ve done so far. I’ve logged this as a potential bug in our issue tracker. We’ll investigate this as soon as possible and try come up with a fix.


  3. 9 years, 15 days ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    The user in this thread https://wordpress.org/support/topic/jquery-ui-dialog-related-bug might have been using an older version of Page Builder. Start with version 2.0, we’re no longer using jQuery UI Dialogs so it’s unlikely that this version would cause the conflict.

    Are you using any plugins besides Page Builder, Widgets Bundle and WPML? In our tests, these plugins did work together, so it’s possible there’s an additional plugin in the mix that’s causing problems.

    I’ll see if we can get hold of the latest version of WPML to retest everything though.

  4. 9 years, 15 days ago Łukasz Ziaja

    I already checked deactivating all plugins and even if i leave only WPML Multilingual CMS (Version 3.2.7), SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle (Version 1.4.2) and Page Builder by SiteOrigin (Version 2.1.5) bug still appears. Besides them normally I use also Limit Login Attempts (Version 1.7.1), Oskyr Extend Widgets Bundle Plugin (Version 0.1, this is my plugin, created by myself for my custom theme), RedDragonTheme (Version 1.0.0, plugin from my company, it changes URL of dashboard and visual look of login page) and WPML String Translation (Version 2.2.6 ). Like I said i tested all this plugin and none of them conflicts with PageBuilder repeater functionality. Problem appears only when WPML, PageBuilder and SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle are active simultaneously. You can noticed that bug for example trying add Markers in SiteOrigin Google Maps Widget (see attachment: http://coffe4it.pl/images/markers.PNG). Like I said before I contacted WPML support and they forwarded this problem for their compatibility team and like they said “they will work with the author in order to fix the issue.”. You can checked full thread at https://wpml.org/forums/topic/pagebuilder-repeater-section-conflicts-with-wpml/ Also I provided them access (FTP account and WP Admin dashbaord) to copy of my WordPress installation with all these plugins and my theme. I can make another copy for you.

  5. 9 years, 14 days ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Łukasz

    Thanks for the follow up. Would it be possible to send the current version of WPML that you’re using to [email protected]. If this isn’t possible, we’ll get in contact with WPML to get a testing copy.

  6. 9 years, 12 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Łukasz

    Thanks for letting us know about this, I’ve confirmed. I’ve logged this as a potential bug in our issue tracker. We’ll investigate this as soon as possible and try come up with a fix.

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