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Widgets Bundle widgets not always displaying

Hello. I am using the Site Origin North theme and added the Site Origin Widgets bundle. The problem is sometimes the widgets work/display and sometimes they don’t. I have tried viewing the site on Chrome, FireFox, Safari, cleared caches on all browsers and looked at the site from different computers and cannot consistently get the widgets to display. A sample page to look at is http://www.karensalibatherapy.com/services/. There should be 2 rows with 2 features each with a custom image round icon, title and text. Sometimes that works and sometimes just text is displayed like there is no styling.

I have disabled any non Site Origin plugins (Wordfence, Monster Google Analytics and UpDraft Plus) and the problem persists.
I have tried making a small change to the widget but the inconsistency persists.

Even when the features are not displayed, I can look at the source code and see they are there.

Please help. I cannot have a site that does not display reliably.
Thank you.

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