Home>Support>Vantage Theme masthead elements alignment in mobile mode

Vantage Theme masthead elements alignment in mobile mode


Congrats for producing great themes and widgets! Some help please: I’m running Vantage theme (the free one) on a new charity consultancy business website www.charityknowhow.co.uk (not yet been advertised – its very much a WIP site still!!)

(a) I have chosen to use the header and footer options to ‘do my own thing’, just adding my logo and the Acurax Social Media Widget. These look and work fine except in mobile mode when loads of white space appears and the two elements don’t both centre up on the screen. Any ideas what I have done wrong? The ‘default’ header setup with my logo and a phone number worked fine before I decided I wanted to add the social media widget.

(b) I am using the ‘SiteOrigin Widgets by CodeLights’ Interactive Banner ‘Aidos’ option with 4 small images half way down on the home page, but again when viewing the page in mobile mode, portrait or landscape, these are displayed way too large. The Vantage theme mobile setting changes don’t seem to scale these like it does so well with other images etc. I know Codelights is not your own work but I’m guessing that it’s the way the SiteOrigin Vantage theme works that is the real issue and not the Codelight widget add-on. Any ideas what I can do to keep these viewing smaller on mobile platforms?

(c) I have much modified the Vantage theme, before I knew anything about ‘child themes’, I am avoiding doing any updates when these come through because I assume that updating will mess up my whole site, returning it to your default (albeit latest) Vantage theme!! Is this correct and if so, would the same thing happen if i bought the Premium version?

Sorry so many questions! :)

David Farndale

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