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Something wrong with rows

All of a sudden I can’t edit rows. As soon as the clicked cursor leaves the little wrench, it disappears. There’s obviously been an update because the edit/duplicate/delete box now features little colored boxes at the bottom — no idea what those are for. But I desperately need to edit or delete a row, because….

Also, the row I’m trying to edit or remove has suddenly decided to superimpose its image on another part of the page! This is really, really bad. Please…help, someone!

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  1. 7 years, 5 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Jhoughton

    That dropdown issue will be fixed in the next update of Page Builder. It seems to come up in some browsers when the cursor doesn’t move quickly enough between the wrench icon and the dropdown. If you just click the wrench, you’ll get the edit row dialog though – you can also delete and duplicate a row from this dialog (the buttons are in the bottom left of the dialog).

    I’m not sure what you mean by the row superimposing its image on another part of the page? Do you have somewhere I could see this issue in action? That said, there’s a good chance this issue will be resolved in the next update too.

  2. 7 years, 5 months ago jhoughton1

    I see what you mean about the other option for editing the row. Fine, I can live with that. As for the other issue…I cannot.

    I'd love to show you what it looks like, but I can't afford to leave my site looking messed up for very long. Imagine this: the SO Image widget that has been at the bottom of the page — both in view mode and edit mode
    — is suddenly superimposed in the middle of the page, covering other widgets that contain text and "featured image" thumbnails. If I delete the image from the row (at the bottom) it goes away, but now the bottom of my landing page just sort of ends, minus the pretty image that it used to end with. I have substituted other images. I have deleted and replaced the row.
    I have done all kinds of crazy stuff. I'm not a developer, I'm pretty much faking it. But I know I didn't do anything to this landing page — it's sacred, I never touch it from one month to the next, other than swapping out what shows in the slider. The events and posts stacks take care of themselves.

    The only thing I can see that's weird on this landing page is in live editor — when I scroll over the "imithemes spacer widget" blocks, a wide image appears — not where the spacer is supposed to — that is a tiled repeat of an image that hasn't been used on the page in ages. I even went into media library and deleted it, but it still shows up. On all other pages, in live editor, when I scroll over a spacer widget, there is no sudden appearance, everything just whited out until I put the cursor on a widget that has something in it, text or image. That's the only difference
    I can see with this landing page. I never use live editor so I can't tell if it's always done that … but it definitely doesn't look right. I went to a three-week old revision (since this problem only appeared this morning and no edits have been made to this page in a looong time — and the problem is still there. I'd love some help with this, and would happily give you admin privileges to look at it, but I can't leave my site looking screwed up. If I knew when you were going to look…

  3. 7 years, 5 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi jhoughton1

    It seems like you might be experiencing one of the layout issues with Page Builder 2.5 that we’ve since fixed. We want to make sure it’s properly fixed before releasing 2.5.1. Would you mind testing it with your specific layout?

    To test, just install the wp-rollback plugin. You can download it here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-rollback/

    After you’ve installed the plugin, when you navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins in your WordPress admin, you’ll see a rollback button next to “Page Builder by SiteOrigin”. Click this, then select 2.5.1-beta1 and click Rollback at the bottom of the page.

    Once you and a few other people seeing this issue can confirm it’s fixed, we’ll do an official 2.5.1 release.

    Sorry about the trouble, but hopefully this fixes it all up :)

  4. 7 years, 5 months ago jhoughton1

    Thanks, Greg —

    Followed your instructions and am now running the PB ver. 2.5.1 beta, but to no avail. The row/widget is still completely misplaced. For the moment,
    I can live with simply deleting the content, as the widget/row that's gone rogue is more or less decorative on this page.

    I ran the page back three weeks using "previous revisions" and the problem did NOT go away. OTOH, we're running a .dev site using three-week old file and database downloads and the problem does not exist there. Which is why I worry that the "infection" lies somewhere besides just in this one page.
    I'm living in fear that another image widget — or worse, a text-content widget — might decide it wants to reside somewhere other than its designated location! Or than another, even more complicated page might decide to catch the infection! Yikes! Help!

  5. 7 years, 5 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    If there's a way for you to get the issue onto a public URL, then I can take a look. For now, did you also clear all your browser cache as well as any caching plugins that you might have installed?

    You can also try rolling back to version Page Builder 2.4.25 – which is the version before we made changes to how layouts are generated.

  6. 7 years, 5 months ago jhoughton1

    Go to http://www.sfvaudubon.org — the landing page. That image of the man with his boy at the lake is supposed to be at the bottom of the page. In editing page, its row is separated from the (left) events and (right) posts stacks by a fat spacer. On the page, it's smack on top of both.

    Please let me know when you've had a look, so I can delete the image again.
    Then I'll roll back to previous versions of PB.


  7. 7 years, 5 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Jhoughton1

    I can see the problem with the HTML, but can’t quite tell why it’s coming up. Do you have any plugins installed, or a theme that might by filtering/changing Page Builder content?

    Can you try following our general WordPress plugin troubleshooting guide? From the sounds of things, this might fix your issue. Here’s a video on the process:

    The first thing to check is server-side caching through plugins like W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, etc. If you have any of these caching/performance plugins installed, try clearing their cache and see if that helps.

    It might also be browser cache. Try clearing your browser cache, and then refreshing the page to see if that helps.

    You can read more about this sort of issue on the WordPress codex.

    Next, you can try running a plugin conflict text. You can start by disabling all non-SiteOrigin plugins and see if this fixes the issue? You’ll need to clear all your caches after disabling your plugins.

    If it does fix the issue, then try re-enabling your plugins one by one until the issue comes back. This procedure will help diagnose which plugin is causing the issue.

    Once we know that, we’ll be able to look at what might be causing the conflict and either solve the problem or help you find an alternative plugin.

    If you aren’t using a SiteOrigin theme, then you can also try temporarily switching to one of the default WordPress themes to see if the issue is theme related.

  8. 7 years, 5 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    If that doesn’t help, could you also download an export JSON file and share it through something like Dropbox. That way I can take a look and see if I get the same issue on my side with the same layout.

  9. 7 years, 5 months ago jhoughton1

    Everyone who looks at the page sees this. Could MY browser cache be causing it for everyone else?

    As for the old "disable plugins and reactivate one by one" routine — okay,
    I can do that. But this problem popped up yesterday without me doing anything. I spent the last few days working on a "backyard bird identification" page and haven't touched the landing page in many weeks.

    Not sure what a JSON file is , but I can find out. You have to understand,
    I'm a babe in the woods, here. I have both files and database in DropBox
    (for another plugin issue with The Events Calendar) but those are a couple of weeks old, thus pre-date this situation (like I said, our .dev site is problem free). Is that what you're looking for? I can re-download both…

  10. 7 years, 5 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    No, it's very unlikely that your browser cache would result in others seeing the issue. Clearing browser cache is just an important part of the general plugin conflict diagnosis.

    I'd suggest just using the rollback plugin to roll back to Page Builder
    2.4.25. Hopefully, we're able to diagnose this issue on our side. For now sticking to 2.4.25 should do the trick.

  11. 7 years, 5 months ago jhoughton1

    Whew. Okay, rolling back to 2.4.25 worked! I don't know what improvements
    2.5 brings onboard, but for now I can do without them! I do like to keep updated, though, so hopefully…

    Thanks for your help. Anything I can do to help you track down the problem,
    let me know.

  12. 7 years, 4 months ago jhoughton1

    Good day, Greg —

    I see there's a 2.5.2 update available. I can't make sense of the changelog, but don't see the word "layout" anywhere. Do you recommend I update and see what happens? I can ALWAYS roll back to 2.4.5 if need be,

  13. 7 years, 4 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    I didn’t fix anything specific for that layout issue you had, but you can always test it and roll back if the update doesn’t work for you. That’s definitely always an option.

    In this update, we’ve added a legacy layout option, which is basically just a layout engine that’s mostly the same as the 2.4.x branch, so you can try this too. Navigate to SettingsPage BuilderLayout and make sure Use Legacy Layout Engine is set to Always. That might work for you.

  14. 7 years, 4 months ago jhoughton1

    Okay. I thought you said others were having similar layout problems and that you were working on addressing the issue. I don't mind going with the
    'legacy' option for now, but how long will this continue? At some point in the future, you'll have added features I'd really enjoy using and I'll be stuck in 2.4.x?

  15. 7 years, 4 months ago jhoughton1

    2.5.2 does not fix the problem. I've done all the tests, both on the live site and on our dev site. What time zone are you in? Is there a way we can coordinate so I can bring on the problem and show it to you right away so I don't have to leave my site screwed up for very long?

  16. 7 years, 4 months ago jhoughton1

    Hey, Greg —

    I’ve done every test in the book. I have no caching plugins and Bluehost is not caching the site. V2.4.25 still works fine, but the latest update to 2.5.3 still creates the problem with the bottom row of my landing page slapping itself on top of material further up the page. Switching to a default theme is no help — it makes such a pig’s breakfast of the page, there’s no way to tell if the problem still exists.

    You said something about “a few other people” having similar issues? Is that why you added the “legacy layout” option? I’d much prefer to keep all my plugins fully updated than to leave the most important one back in the Stone Age while everyone else marches into the future. Plus, since there’s a problem on this page, who knows if it will start cropping up elsewhere?

    Is a solution to this on the drawing board? You said you changed the way layout works. Are too few people having issues to make it worth addressing?

    I’ll happily give you admin access to the site — all you have to do is update PB and you’ll see what it looks like. Roll it back, and things are as they should be. It’s interesting to look at in “live editor” — not that a solution is apparent, but it’s clear that something is getting the wrong message.

    Thanks, I appreciate your willingness to engage and to help.



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